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Today I'm going out on a little dinner date with my dad I haven't seen him in a while and I feel bad and I miss him so I got Mike to drop

Mike: So how long you gone be wit your ole man?

Chris: I don't know I think all day, why?

Mike: I was just asking.

Chris: You ok babe?

Mike: Yeah I'm straight you go hang out with ya pops and me, and Jada gone have a little time to ourselves.

Chris: Ok baby.

I gave him and Jada a kiss and went inside the restaurant. While I was there I was approached by some guy with a very happy smile

 While I was there I was approached by some guy with a very happy smile

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Guy: Chris hey man it's been a while, how's everything?

Chris: Nigga who is you???

Guy: Damn it's like that Chris.... it's me Jackson from middle school.

Chris: Nope not ringin any bells buddy.

Jackson: Come on it's me Jackson I use to sit behind you in Mrs. Williams Math class.

Chris: Oh I remember yo ass you use to come in class and ask me for a pencil and to help you with the class work and practically begged me to be your tutor.

Jackson: Yeah that's me how have you been I haven't seen you in a long time.
Chris:I'm fine I'm in a...

As soon as I was about to tell him about Mike and Jada my dad called.

Daddy: Hey Chris you at the restaurant?
Chris: Yes I'm waiting on you.
Daddy: Oh ok well baby boy I'm so sorry but I'm afraid I'm not gonna be able to make it I've got a lot going on at work, can we do this this weekend?
Chris: Sure thing Daddy I'll call later.

When I looked back at Jackson he was just sitting there lookin at me with a big ass smile.

Jackson: so what were you saying.

Chris: I was sayin I'm in a relationship and I have a kid now.

Jackson: oh wow that's cute I never thought you'd be in a relationship or even have a kid.

Chris: Yeah I got a little girl, her names Jada.

Jackson: What about your boyfriend.

Chris: you remember Terry's best friend Mike, that's my boyfriend.

As soon as he was about to say something a waiter came to take our order.

Waiter: Hello may I take your order?

Chris: Well actually I'm going to go since my dads not coming anymore.

Jackson: Aww so soon we can eat I'll pay.

Chris: I don't know I should get home.

Jackson: Please I haven't seen you in years and I'd like too catch up what do you say.

I was gonna say no but I remembered Mike and Jada were having a little daddy daughter day and I didn't wanna ruin that. So I stayed.

Chris: Fine but I need a ride home.

Jackson: That's Fine by me boo.

We had a good time at dinner and he told me about him going to school to be a lawyer and I told him I was going to go back to school to be a Doctor when Jada gets older. He seemed very happy to see me and I'm happy stayed cause he's a really sweet guy and I needed a friend. When it was time to go we got in his car and drove off after he put my address in his GPS.

Chris: So what were you doing before you seen me.

Jackson: What you mean?

Chris: I mean what were you doing before you seen me sitting in the restaurant.

Jackson: Oh I work there and on my way out I saw you and I had to stop and talk to you.

Chris: Oh ok that's wassup.

We soon made it to my house and when I was about to get out he grabbed my hand and asked.

Jackson: So when can we hang out again I really enjoyed myself today.

Chris: I don't know but I'll give you my number and when you call I'll see if I can hang ok.

Jackson: Ok boo I'll talk to you later goodnight.

After that he drove off and I went inside. When I went inside Mike and Jada on the couch watching The Lion King. But when the door closed Jada turned around and Jada ran to me and jumped in my arms, I guess she missed me. I sat by Mike wit Jada on my lap.

Mike: Hey baby mama how was your date wit your pops?

Chris: Oh he didn't show up he had to work so we'll go this weekend.

Mike: So you ate by yourself.

Chris: Naw I at with a friend.

Mike: What you mean?

Chris: A old friend from Middle school saw me on his way out and said hi and since my dad couldn't come we stayed and ate together and after that he drove me home.

Mike: What old friend tho I always seen you with one and that was Tony skinny ass and since he moved y'all ain't been talking so I'm confused Chris.

Chris: No I use to tutor someone named Jackson and we were cool in school.

Mike: Jackson...... I don't remember that name sorry babe but anyways hope you had s fun time I'm going to bed your daughter wore me out I love you.

Chris: I'm going to sleep after this movie goes off.

Me and Jada sat on the couch watching the movie and she fell asleep after a while. But my mine went to today at lunch and how good it was to finally have a friend.

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