instagram: the countdown

Start from the beginning

liked by mrgwilymlee, tchalamet, and 408,503 others

joe_mazzello five (5)

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user okay this is getting really weird
user im ????????
user king! What! Do! You! Mean!
user how what
user have any of you noticed that ben hasn't liked any of these posts
user he could be busy
user he doesn't exactly live on social media
user good point
user #josedosia oof
user i still think #gwilydosia ftw
joe_mazzello #josedosia is better, thank u next


liked by joe_mazzello, mrgwilymlee, and 598,359 others

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liked by joe_mazzello, mrgwilymlee, and 598,359 others

lucyboynton1 quatre

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user okay there's definitely something up
user well obviously
user is this maybe a countdown to theo coming back
user doubtful. maybe it's something about bo rhap?
user but timmy chalamet started the countdown
user it's also timmy, the king of random captions. that could be pure coincidence
user you guys are missing out on the most obvious ship #theodocy
user meh. #lucydosia looks better
joe_mazello okay, kids, say it with me! #josedosia
mrgwilymlee you have ben! in this house, we love and support #gwilydosia
user but where's bennnn
user who knows


liked by rogertaylorofficial, mercury_motg, and 594,859 others

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liked by rogertaylorofficial, mercury_motg, and 594,859 others

brianmayforreal three ! Bri

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user but brian w h a t d o e s i t m e a n
user i'm ?!
user so every post has been made on the hour, counting down. this is def a countdown to something
user and it's all been pictures of theodosia from different parts of life since late november when she got in contact with the bo rhap boys
user it's gotta be a countdown to her return to social
user wait didn't she say she was releasing another book
user you're genius
user this is precious
user i'm so excited to see what the countdown actually leads to
user god same
user it warms my heart that the entire bo rhap group and queen shows such love for theo
user it's adorable


liked by brianmayforreal, lucyboynton1, and 992,483 others

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liked by brianmayforreal, lucyboynton1, and 992,483 others

ramimalek two.

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lucyboynton1 ugh she's so pretty this is disgusting
user lucy askskkakks
user god what a mood
user rami???? actually posting??????
user and????? it's in relation to the countdown?????
user this post cured my depression
user sis akskkdfkakk
user we finally get content and it's not even content
user be GRATEFUL


liked by brianmayforreal, joe_mazzello, and 485,923 others

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liked by brianmayforreal, joe_mazzello, and 485,923 others

rogertaylorofficial one more hour to go, folks!

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user AHHH
user thankful that he can give some more clarification
brianmayforreal you posted this ten minutes late ! it's technically 50 minutes ! Bri
user rog u had one job
rogertaylorofficial i'm a busy man!
user i'm hyperventilating
user ben never made a post :/
user roger > ben
user okay yeah you right
user rogedosia > thenjamin
user a little far but i don't disagree
joe_mazzello get it right! get the ship right! why ship if you aren't going to do it right! #josedosia


liked by joe_mazzello, rogertaylorofficial, and 1,495,858 others

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liked by joe_mazzello, rogertaylorofficial, and 1,495,858 others

tasiano rebranding, rebuilding, reincarnating.
"renaissance" coming to you soon
i cannot wait to share my words with you ♡

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joe_mazzello more excited for this book than i am for anything else in life
tasiano take my entire heart or whatever
brianmayforreal so in love with your words ! can't wait to get the very first copy ! Bri
tasiano contemplating sending you a handwritten copy, as well. hmm. much love!
mrgwilymlee i will gladly take a handwritten copy
rogertaylorofficial think you could personally deliver my copy?
lucyboynton1 and rami and i's?
tasiano of course, my loves
tchalamet your talent grows more and more everyday
user but where's ben in all of this?


note: i was feelin' a little extra. collected some of my poems. poems that theo would relate to. and i published it. look for "renaissance"

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