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      ben was just lightly beginning to doze off when his phone began to buzz and ring, startling him. he wiped at his eyes, groggy as he lifted his phone, answering the facetime call. appearing on his screen was theodosia, her face free of makeup and her hair swept up into a towel. taking in his sleepy appearance, her eyes filled with worry, her asking, "oh, i'm sorry, did i wake you?"
      "you did, but i don't mind because it means chatting with you." he sat up, raking a hand through his hair as he checked his reflection in the tiny rectangle in the corner of his screen.
      "oh, stop it, won't you?" theodosia scolded, making a face. "you look just fine, stop preening. you couldn't look ugly if you tried."
      ben rolled his eyes, failing miserably as he tried to hold a smile back. "what time is your reading tonight? because you really should start getting ready. you look as though you've just now gotten out of the shower."
      "probably because i have just now gotten out of the shower," she mimicked his accent, the smile on his face growing. "it doesn't take me long, anyways. just a smudge of makeup, brushing out my hair and voila!"
      "not voila!" ben could hear a woman call. "i'm blowing your hair dry and curling it, or did you forget? and you aren't doing your usual makeup! you're gonna look glam, so help me god!"
      "yes, mumma!" she called back with a roll of her eyes, frowning deeply. "i liked the idea of these readings better when i forgot that i have to dress up."
      "make sure to send me some pictures of you looking all glammed up," ben said, growing sheepish when he realised what he said. "i mean, if you want. it is kind of an odd request i suppose."
      "i don't mind, benny." she gave him a wink, reaching somewhere beyond the camera to grab a small bag, beginning to do her makeup. "tell me about anything and everything."
      and he did. he told her all about filming bohemian rhapsody, and getting to know the guys. he told her of how proud he was of himself as he learned to play the drums and in doing so promised to impress her with them some day. he told funny little anecdotes about all of their little mishaps on set. two hours went by as he did this, watching with amused eyes as she did her makeup and got dressed, with a pause for when elizabeth curled her hair. as the woman left the room, theo stood and backed up so ben could see her fully on his screen, asking, "do i look okay?"
      "heavenly," he answered earnestly, starstruck. "i wish i could be there for your very first opening night."
      "me, too," she admitted. "i'm nervous. what if i stutter and they laugh at me? or what if they hate it? oh god, what if no one shows up? i know it's a sold out show and all, but what if everyone just decides to not show up and it's just me reading to the hammers and timmy? what if -"
      "theo!" he cut her off, eyes soft as he looked to her. "theo, love, they wouldn't have bought the tickets if they didn't want to hear you. if you do stutter and they do laugh, you just have to laugh with them, you can't let it get to you. but most of all, know that you're brilliant. i've never even read one of your poems and i know they're better than anything else out there. so just take a deep breathe and relax, theo. it'll all be okay. when the show is over and you get back to the hammer residence, call me and tell me all about it. i can't wait to see your beaming face. okay?"

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