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theodosia (theo, love)
ben (mon beau)

theo, love
i don't want to be here
i want to come back to
new york

mon beau
what's wrong?

theo, love
i really don't know
timmy napped on the
plane ride and i woke him
up by saying wakey x3
while squishing his face
and he of course was
grumpy about being
woken up but then outta
nowhere he hit me with
that "would you wake ben
like that and i asdkglkjea i
told him it was a different
type of situation and now
he's being all bitchy

mon beau
talk it out with him tonight
it could just be that he's
grumpy from the flight
and it's all messing with

theo, love
but oh hey we landed safe
and sound
i'm currently laying in bed
at my designated room in
the hammer household
which is the room furthest
from the kids' rooms
because even though they
are precious theo needs
her sanity

mon beau
i'm very glad you didn't
crash like you were
freaking out that you
but can i ask you a weird

theo, love
of course, those are my
favourite kind of question

mon beau
if you wouldn't wake me
up with "wakey" and face
squeezing, what would
you wake me with?
read 15:47
or leave me on read that's
okay, too

theo, love
shh she's trying to figure
out if she wants to say
a) friendly
b) cute
c) some hoe shit

mon beau
you should hit me with
all of them

theo, love
a) gently shaking you
while quoting the
cinematic masterpiece
"finding nemo" in saying
b) by gently running my
fingertips along your
facial features
c) she's not confident
enough to say this one!

mon beau
definitely like the sound
of option b
option a sounds terrifying
option c is wonderfully
hey come back where did
you go

theo, love
joe sent me the link for
one of the interviews you
two did today

mon beau
oh no

theo, love
oh yeS
i'm not wild about the
name dylan
naming one of them taylor
is just absolutely required
and you and your blushing
cheeks are adorable!
i just have one request

mon beau

theo, love
i want that sweater

mon beau
it's all yours, love

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon