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theodosia (theo, love)
ben (mon beau)

theo, love
i miss you

mon beau
i'm literally leaving for five
minutes to get us coffee

theo, love
yeah but like i miss you in
like i already feel like
we've parted and i'm in
paris and i miss you

mon beau
theo, love, you're only
going to be there by
yourself for a week before
i join you for two
and from there it'll just be
mini breaks in between
seeing you
i'll be there to help you
write your book and be
there to get you coffee and
whatnot while you're on
set and at night we can
sightsee paris

theo, love
that sounds like heaven
get back here so i can
make some sweet sweet
love to you

mon beau
i'm already coming in the
front door

galileo figaro magnifico ➳ ben hardy [1]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat