imessage group chat

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"operation thenjamin"

joe (deaky)
gwilym (bri)
rami (fred)
lucy (mary)

alright my dudes i've called
you here today on the
topic of ben and theo.
theo wants to surprise ben.
i've already talked to our
agents and whatnot and
got back to her. now, he
already knows that she'll
be accompanying him to
the globes because he
accidentally overheard
that part but what he
doesn't know is that we're
going to surprise him with
her on his birthday.

so you talk to her about
whether or not she likes
ben and it turns out she
likes ben so much she was
already planning a
birthday surprise? wow

wonderful, isn't it?
now lucy, i need you to get
her to finally make the
announcement and she's
kind of bugging out about
what to pack to bring to
cali and what to wear to
the globes so maybe call
i was thinking we should
get a big cardboard bow
and wrap it and have it have
a lid and put her in it and
have it waiting in one of
our hotel rooms for when
ben gets there and have
him come in and open it
and boop! there's theo

i like that very much. and
we should film it, too, so
that we can show their

this is going to be great

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