Killing Favoritism

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about him."

Lance swallowed again. The look on Shiro's face was the one he got when he suspected Lance wasn't being honest with himself and those around him. He turned and started after Shiro, but Keith started walking in pace with him. "Seriously, if Shiro finds my body."

"Who cares," Lance muttered under his breath.

"I thought you idolized him!"

"Shut up Keith," Lance muttered under his breath. They soon arrived at the room and Shiro walked into the dark room. Lance didn't remember turning off the light but followed Shiro in. The light flickered on just as the door closed behind them making Lance suddenly jump. It was bad enough that Keith was now following him around as a ghost. Lance clutched the blade tight.

"Shiro..." Keith watched as Shiro looked down at Keith's dead body.

Shiro, of course, hurried over and leaned down. His hand reached out to touch Keith's shoulder slightly. "Keith. Keith buddy. I'm sorry I've rather ignored you since we got to Earth, but please. Don't do this to me. Please."

One of Lance's hands tightened around the blade he was given while the other formed a fist. He swallowed back the pain he felt knowing full well his idol would never do this for him. He heard Keith – the ghost – let out a sob next to him. "Shut up!"

Shiro turned and looked at Lance in shock, but quickly went back to Keith. His fingers felt for a pulse and when he felt none he let out a sob of dismay. "No, Keith. No. Who did this? Who?"

Lance watched Shiro lean in and touch his forehead to that of Keith's dead body, but Keith was now crying. Lance muttered under his breath. "It's not fair..." He then clenched his hands tighter. "He deserved it."

Shiro tensed up and pulled away from Keith's body. "What did you say?"

"I said he deserved it, Shiro! Always getting the glory and your attention!" Lance looked at the ground in anger.

"Lance, please tell me you didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"Kill Keith."

"Run," Keith said through a sob. "Don't tell him you did it."

Lance, of course, wasn't going to take Keith's advice. "What if I did?"

Shiro moved with he speed Lance expected him to, but he found himself lifted up by the front of his clothing as Shiro lifted him up off the ground. He saw the anger and pain in Shiro's eyes, but the man was definitely crying. "Why? Why did you?"

Lance narrowed his eyes. "Man. I didn't expect anyone to cry for Keith of all people."

Shiro's eyes widened in horror. "What?"

"You heard me. Of course, you wouldn't cry for me, would you Shiro? You're too busy letting Keith be the teacher's pet for you, right?"

Lance felt Shiro pull him forward slightly before shoving him painfully into the wall. "What the hell have you done Lance!"

"I warned you." Keith still stifled a sob but was starting to calm down.

"Are you going to kill me, Shiro?"

"Corruption..." Said the voice in the back of Lance's head as Lance watched Shiro's facial features twist with anger he'd never seen before, or at least not directed at him specifically. "Kill him before he kills you. After all, he was corrupted and played favorites with his students, didn't he?"

Lance felt his mouth twist in frustration and anger, but his blade whipped out slicing through Shiro's neck.

"No! Lance, no! Allura wouldn't want..."

"Don't tell me, Keith, what Allura would or wouldn't want!" Lance felt Shiro drop him and stumble back. He watched his idol – perhaps former idol slump down next to Keith's body, but the death seemed more instantaneous. "IT's more corruption."

"What the hell do you mean by that! Shiro's the last person to be corrupt! The reason he avoided me proves that! I mean, he avoided me because he attacked me and he would never, ever do that!"

Lance turned and looked at Keith. His dead companion's ghostly features were streaked with tears, but he honestly didn't care as the humming continued in the back of his head. "Yeah right! That's proof of his corruption! He favorited you, Keith!"

"That's because..."

"Don't make excuses for him!" Lance turned and left, but Keith followed after him.

"Lance, are you feeling okay. You're not acting like yourself."

"Of course I'm not feeling okay Keith," Lance muttered under his breath. "The woman I love is in a coma, so if I don't seem to be acting like myself there is a reason. You couldn't say the same about yourself as you've never felt the way I do about Allura about anyone."


Lance turned and saw Keith looking at him with a rather shocked look on his face. "Tell me. Have you ever felt so in love with a person that you would grieve like I am grieving."

"No, but..."

"Then I'm the better person." Lance didn't care that Keith's face twisted in confusion. After all, there were a lot of things which confused Keith.

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