3: My my my my Only Angel

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"We'd make beautiful babies, yeah?"

I don't know how it happened but Harry is suddenly at my side, staring down at the little girl in his arms while directing his question at me. The answer is obvious, our theoretical children would be the cutest but that's all they are, theoretical. So far down the line that you can't even see the line yet.

When I turn to face him, he finally meets my gaze with a huge smile on his face. "That goes without saying but shouldn't you be up there singing?"

"Sure," he sounds way too chipper. "Here, take Ruby."

"Oh no," I stand as if the little chubby adorable baby is made of lava. "I might drop her or drool on her or something."

"Come on, I'll keep my shirt on so you won't be drooling," he teases, standing up and stalking after my every step with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. I have to say the way he cradles her just that little bit harder to his chest as he moves makes me nearly stumble over my own two feet and distracts me enough to not feel like I'm about to keel over with worry. "Mia, she's so mellow, you won't drop her... and even if you did she's pretty sturdy."

I hold my hands up in a pleading gesture of surrender. "Harry stop."

"Mia, she's just a baby. I think you can handle her."

"You're patronizing me," I cross my arms over my chest trying to give him the stink eye but with a baby so safely cradled in his arms framed by his all-black outfit and his impossibly perfect hair even after performing as he has so far, is an irresistible sight that has my will crumbling mercilessly. I'm about to get on my hands and knees to try and salvage the pieces but I can't because the move is bound to provoke a daringly cheeky comment... and in front of a baby no less.

Come on, I might not be ready for a baby but I can certainly recognize a perfect sight when I see one.

"Take the baby or I'll put you on camera," he threatens once again. I know full well he wouldn't actually put me out there and even if he did slip up, Jeff wouldn't hear of it.

But Harry saying the words and looking at me as he is now, makes my skin prickle and I find myself reaching out, with shaky arms mind you, to take that baby before he's motioning a camera over.

Triumphant, he goes into full Godfather mode, glowing from ear to ear and head to toe. "Now her names Ruby-"

"I already know that," I snap at him through gritted teeth. The pass over isn't as seamless as it would be between two people who know what they are doing but before long I'm standing and holding a baby at the same time.

How novel.

I wait for Harry to leave us but instead, he steps closer and wraps his arm around my waist.

"See, you're a natural... if not a bit stiff."

"You're being a real ass right now." I don't mean it, well, I do but it's all fun and if I wasn't such a mess I'd be able to enjoy it but like I've said before and as clear as it was made at Liam's house, I am not a natural and put up next to a pro like Harry, I'm completely rubbish.

Rubbish... must be from all the brits I'm surrounded by right now.

A group descends fussing over the baby and over the excitement of this moment. Adam tickles her belly and James and Ben Winston chat away with Harry. The three of them are such a trio, so comfortable and fun loving.

Conversations begin and comments are made but it's all a blur as I try to concentrate on not dropping her until I hear Mr. Winston say the thing I that's been pumping in my brain for a while now. It started off faint, a barely there thought, but now with meeting Bear Payne and holding Ruby and James' new addition on the way, I'm starting to feel the pressure and Ben's comment does not help.

Irresistible Touch (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu