The Beat Down at School

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C: *Gasp* Punzie look out

P: Huh

B: P-pay Attention t-to your opponent you bitch.

C: *grunted* you bitch *Breathing heavey*

She punched me in the stomach & i heard everyone Gasp when i fell to the floor & She was on top of me throwing punches then i threw one that threw her off of me What i saw next shocked me. I saw Flynn grabbing Jenni's wrist trying to get the knife away from her but instead she stabed him in the stomach I knocked Bethany out & ran towards Flynn. Punzie went towards him & started to cry looking at him like this in pain i got up & walked towards Jenni.

C: Merida hold her & don't let her go

M: Sure but let me finish her up 

C:*giggles* Sure i don't want to have all the fun

M: Yeah now go for it

JE: You bitch you wouldn't hurt me you fuc... I cut her off with a punch to the stomach then i elbowed her in the face she started to spit up blood, I got her hair so she can look at me while i punch her over ,over & Over again. She started to get weak so i let Merida finish her up while i went to see Flynn to see how he's doing Punzie started to heal him so he was doing fine but i notice Elsa & Linda wasn't there i started to panic but i also didn't see Jack there either so i assumed that he's with her but i went to ask Hiccup.

C: Hic wh-where's Jack & Elsa

H: They went to Find Linda but we better get out of here

C: Why what going on.....Oh I see you guys let's go

ALL: RIght

We ran down the hall so the cops or securtiy wouldn't see us thanks to everyone making a huge circle around where we were fighting the cops couldn't see us. We Ran & ran until we got to the field were we saw Elsa Fighting Linda but Jack wasn't with her where in the hell is he i was sure he was with my sister.


I was fighting Linda in the hallway with everyone eles but then i heard Crystal screamed something that i stopped punching Linda & looked at her but Linda pulled my hair for me to get off of her. She made a run for it so i went after her i heard Jack calling my name so i looked back but i didn't stop runningi kept going then we made our way to the field but i didn't see Linda anywhere.

E: Hey Jack go look on the right side of the field I look on the left side of it

J: Are you sure about that i don't want you to get hurt or your sister will have my head

E: *giggles* Yes i'm sure now go before we lose her

J: Alright then but be careful

E: I will don't worry i'll call you if i need any help

J: Alright then.

He left after that Then i started looking around it was quite to quite. I started looking behind the dugout no one was there, Tennis court no one Then i don't know why but i went to go check the tree's which i thought it was a waste of time so i just slid down on the tree & took a breather so i could rest myself from the fight & just wait for Jack here. I was feeling the wind hitting my face & pushing my hair back it was relaxing then i heard a Ruckus from the tree but i thought it was the wind making the tree do those noises but the wind isn't blowing right now so i looked up & there she was Linda. She jumped off the tree & landed right infront of me I stood up & got myself ready to fight her, She ran towards me & jumped me so we both hit the floor she started to throw punches trying to hit my face. She got a few hits but i pushed her off of me & now i was on top of her & i started to punch her over, over & over again. I heard someone running towards us i took a quick glance at who was running & i saw the whole gang running towards me. I heard Crystal yelling something to me but i just kept on punching her but i didn't know why  i couldn't stop.

The Bad Boy Meets The Bad GirlOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz