Chapter 1

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"It's the eye of the tiger. It's the thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our rival."

Aero practically dropped her tray on the table then slumped into the chair with a heavy sigh. She was beyond exhausted. She was so exhausted she didn't think she could pick up the fork to eat the food that was in front of her. She sighed again and reached for her fork.

"Tired beyond all reason?"

Aero looked up from her tray of food to see the Flash coyly grinning at her. A wide smile immediately came on her face. It was one of those smiles that worked its way all the way up into her eyes, despite the mask hiding half of her face.

It had been a week since she had been on the Watchtower and in training. But this was the first time she had been approached by any of the other superheroes who were there. And it was the first time she had really been around any of them for more than a few minutes. Her training had kept her really busy. And by the time she was done each day, she was too tired to do anything else but go home and go to sleep. So to be able to talk to one of them was exciting for her.

"Yes. I'm used to working out but this is ridiculous! I don't think I was expecting it." She smiled up at him. "My name is Aero. This is my first week here."

"I heard. And I heard who your trainers were. I have to tell you, me and the rest of the league, are praying for you," he said with a laugh. "I'm the Flash." He sat down across the table from her. "Bats and Arrow don't usually team up together, due to their constant difference of opinions, so when we heard they were both training the new girl, we were shocked. What's your secret? Did you do something horrible in a past life where you deserve this kind of torture? Did you use your powers for evil? Huh? What's the scoop?"

She chuckled softly and winked at him. "What do you think it is?"

"Hmm. To be honest, I think you requested them because you wanted a challenge. Or you had a death wish." He shrugged his shoulders and leaned in close to her face until their noses were almost touching. "I usually am a good judge of character. But your eyes are impossible to read." He sat back. "Are they always white? They are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen."

She blushed then smiled coyly. "You want to know why I'm training with Batman and Green Arrow."

Flash nodded.

"They wanted to make sure I stay away from you," she said seriously. "Apparently you have quite the reputation for being a flirt. Batman wanted to make sure that you never flirted with me." She paused and pretended to ponder on something. Flash's face dropped. His face began to show a sign of worry. "Now I have to decide if I'm going to tell Batman about this or not."

"Will you? I didn't mean to flirt with you, it's just a bad habit I have. Tell him I am working on it. Or better yet, don't tell him anything at all," he stammered as he grabbed her hands and got on his knees before her. "I beg you, please please don't..."

Aero couldn't hold it in anymore, she started to giggle and that turned into a deep uncontrollable laugh.

"Wait, you are kidding aren't you?" He let out a loud breath of relief and put his hand on his chest.

Aero calmed down, her face red from laughing. All she could do was nod to Flash.

"Great poker face. You seriously had me worried." Flash stood up. "Now that I have seen my life flash before my eyes, pun fully intended, I think I am going to go. Nice meeting you. I will see you soon Aero." He winked at her as he exited the cafeteria.


Preston opened the door to her room and immediately went to the bed and collapsed on it. It felt good to have her hair down and to be out of her costume. She ran her hand through her brown wavy hair then reached her hand up to grab her nightshirt. Just doing that made her tired. She placed the shirt on her stomach and covered it with her hands. She started to close her eyes but she heard a light knock on her door. She turned her head to see Oliver Queen peeking his head into her room.

"So, how do you think the training is going?" He asked as he walked over and sat down on the end of the bed.

She sat up and swung her legs over the bed moving closer to him. "You and Bruce are running me ragged. I am exhausted every night and I think every single one of my muscles ache, even ones I didn't know I had."

Oliver chuckled.

"Are you this tough on everyone or just me? Is it because I know personal things about both of you? If it is I can tell you right now that I promise never to reveal to anyone that you snore at night and Bruce can't sleep without a nightlight on." They both laughed. Then Preston scooched even closer to Oliver, and placed her head on his shoulder. She looked into his eyes and started batting her eyelashes. "Isn't there anyway to use some of the pull I have to get a little, itty, bitty break?"

Oliver kissed the top of Preston's head. "You're cute, but you should know better. I can tell you this, Bruce and I are done training you." Preston's white eyes seemed to get brighter when she heard that. "Don't get excited. Your training isn't over. You have a new trainer starting next week." Preston sighed and he patted the top of her head. "But you are doing so well. I am really impressed and proud. I volunteered to train you, you know." He smiled at her as he puffed out his chest. He gave her a hug as the door to the room opened all the way.

Dinah walked in sat down next to Preston. "If I didn't know any better I would swear you two never see each other. Ollie didn't you just see her about an hour ago up at the Watchtower?"

Oliver shrugged. "You know me, I have a sweet spot for super powered women."

Both Preston and Dinah shoved Oliver. He fell off the bed with a loud thump and both women started laughing hysterically. Oliver looked both women over and smiled.

He couldn't have picked a better companion for life then Dinah Laurel Lance. She was not only strong and courageous, which would have been enough for Oliver, but she also had a way of being gentle and kind. She rarely showed that side of herself, but when she did it made Oliver treasure her even more.

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