The Time Peter Parker (Almost) Died - Angst

Start from the beginning

I already despise myself by the time I'm collected and calm, around two hours later. I see the present on the floor, small and fragile, and I walk over to it.

Fully unwrapped, I see a Chinese music box, the shape of a castle. The beautiful emerald color covering the sides while a shining gold edges the corners. It's beautiful.

I turn the small lever on the side, making it open up to a beautiful scenery next to a lake. I quickly realize it's where I took Peter for his birthday, and a song starts to play as the characters move. After maybe twenty seconds, the song ends and it closes. I stand there in astonishment.

I note on the bottom of it is taped carefully, and I read.

Hey Mr. Stark! Do you like your present? If you don't, thats ok. Don't feel bad. I wanted to give it to you for Father's Day, because you're kind of like a father figure to me. Sorry if that sounds cheesy. Anyways, thanks for being awesome Tony! -Love, Peter Parker (a.k.a Spider-Man)

I didn't even realize I was crying again til a drop hit the note.


I start marching up my stairs, I need to make it up to Peter.

As I'm about to leave, F.R.I.D.A.Y. gives me a notification.

"Sir, I have gotten a notification from your training wheels protocol, and it appears that Peter Parker is injured. Would you like me to give you his location?"

Injured? Oh god, this is all my fault.

"No F.R.I.D.A.Y., I want you to take those coordinates and make a scrabble out of it."

F.R.I.D.A.Y. didn't respond.

"Dear fuck, F.R.I.D.A.Y., scratch that. Give me his coordinates." I yell, fear and angry bubbling in my throat. I'm not mad at Peter, I'm mad at myself. He thought he was my issue, and decided to go out and help with other people's issues, resulting in him being hurt.

As F.R.I.D.A.Y. gives me his location, I go over to my suit and wait for it to form around me.

I blast off through the roof. I can fix that later, right now, my mind is on Peter.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y., give me a rundown on Peters injuries." I say through gritted teeth, heading toward the building. He's on top of it, and hurt.

"Peter Parker has three broken ribs, a broken leg, a brain injury, severe burns, lacerations, and is suffering from blood loss. I suggest you give him medical help immediately, or else he will die in the next twenty to thirty minutes." F.R.I.D.A.Y says, almost in a saddened tone.

That only made me go faster. Around ten minutes later, I find the small boy on the roof, and it wasn't a pretty side. I nearly throw up looking at his injuries.

He's just, laying there. His body contorted from what looks like a building crashing on him. His mask thrown to the side, showing his face bruised and burned beyond recognition, but I can still tell it's him because of his suit, which is deeply bloodied. I'll have to clean it later. His eyes aren't open, and the roof is covered in sticky, crimson blood. There are burns all over his suit, which has seeped through the skin.

I stumble out of my suit and go to him, surely his fast healing will save him, right?

"Peter?" No response.

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