Tired Eyes (SFW)

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Originally Published September 23 2018

Dedicated to those rightfully-so thirsty zanechan people wink wonk


"I swear to Irene, please no."

"Zane, I have to.." Zane watched his wife's silhouette sit up, and he instantly wrapped an arm around her torso, disallowing her from moving any further. Their son, Nathan, had just begun to cry. They haven't even had their nightly good-night kisses yet, so Zane was not amused.

"He'll stop eventually.. he's just got to get it out of his system." Zane mumbled, arm tightening around her trying to pull her closer. She sighed, and Zane could imagine the upset expression on her face.

"But Zane, he's crying.. I can't listen to him cry!" She whined, rubbing at her eyes. Zane sat up, and scooted closer to his wife. His hand found his way to her chin, and he blindly placed a kiss to her cheek, the room dark.

"I know, Kitten.. I just.. I need you. We haven't had a night to ourselves in forever, Nana." Zane grumbled, hand falling and rubbing at her shoulder. "I want to have our nights back."

"Mmm..." She hummed a low, half-tempted-to-give-in-to-Zane note, and sighed once more, "I know, Zane.. but.." she trailed off, and hoped that her sad voice was enough for Zane to let her go without having her elaborate.

He didn't say anything in reply, and regretfully removed his arm from her waist, and angrily laid back down onto his pillow in one swift motion. Nana swung her legs off the side of the bed, and before Zane could change his mind she rushed off into Nathan's bedroom.

The baby was crying profusely, his cheeks bright red in anger as Nana took him in her arms. She cooed the baby to sleep, relieved to hear his cries soften. Katelyn told her it wasn't good to give in to the baby everytime they cried or the baby would just continue to do so, but it broke her heart.

She walked back into their bedroom with the baby, and sat on the edge of the bed. Zane shifted, and sat up slightly. "Lemme see him." He murmured, his voice soft as to not upset him. Nana leant over the bed, and handed off the small child. Zane took his son in his arms, and Nathan smiled a really goofy-looking smile, groping at his dad's fingers as Zane pet the boy's bright pink hair.

Nana smiled, her heart melting as she watched Zane with their baby, climbing back into bed and under the covers. Zane laid the child down between them, and leant over Nathan to Nana to give his much deserved and very needed good-night kiss. Nana tilted her head back, nails on his neck and softly passing through his hair as his lips pressed to hers.

Zane smirked in satisfaction, his arm beginning to strain as he held himself up. He pulled away, and laid back down, arm crossing Nathan's small, asleep body to find Nana's shoulder. Nana sat in sweet silence, slowly being lulled into sleep as Zane's hand traced softly down her shoulder, his hands warm.

"I love you so much, Nana. You know that, right?" He whispered, eyes drooping and his words slurring with exhaustion as he too began to fall sleep.

"Mhm.. I love you too, Zane." Nana mumbled, half-asleep now and curling slightly into a ball. Zane smiled to himself at the thought, feeling his heart brighten as he pictured her curling into his chest while watching a movie marathon and his hand patting at her hair and rubbing at her ears, while his other wrapped around her waist to hold her protectively close.

He possesively traced a hand down her cheek, before his hand retracted and he too was lulled into sleep at the thought of his family so close to him. He loved his family so much, everytime they were ever out in public his heart swelled with pride when anyone ever complimented them together.

It was just that—although being opposite—they were the perfect complimentary couple.

And Zane couldn't believe his luck.


big oof that was short just bc so yeah if you want more zanechan lemme know so I'll keep providing

also uh haven't updated in awhile so I guess this shows that I'm alive? rip

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