Black and White - Angst

Start from the beginning

"Uh- fine... Just stuck in a pickle, my comms went out for a while." Peter says, feeling the rubble shake above him. He hated this.

"Define your situation," Rhodey says, sounding half relieved that he responded and half worried if Peters hurt.

Peter shifted under the rock, uncomfortable.

"Just a little stuck- if it's alright. No rush, but if someone could maybe come and fetch me, that'd be super." Peter says.

"Sorry kid, these robots aren't backing down. Could you maybe wait a while?" Tony asks, not realizing how badly hurt Peter actually was.

He doesn't want to stop the mission, doesn't want to be the easily hurt one. Doesn't want to be weak.

"Yeah, I can- I can wait."

He found it harder to stay awake as the fighting went on, he noticed that the ground was getting sticky, having a horrible smell of iron fill his nose. Blood.

He felt panic coming, he wanted to lift his arm and turn off the comms so the Avengers wouldn't hear him scream, or cry. God that would be embarrassing. Crying in front of the worlds greatest heroes. But, his arm seemed to be pinned down by a piece of metal, slicing through his skin. The same was happening to his keg, like two swords through him, stuck in the ground.

He found it harder to think, his brain has gone mushy and slippy, couldn't grasp any thoughts. He still talked with Clint. Hoping his words didn't slur enough for anyone to notice. As they were talking on, he heard a short, scream of pain from Natasha.

"You good Nat?" Peter asked.

"Yeah I'm- I'm fine."

"Don't sound fine, Clint go check on her," Tony ordered.

A few minutes passed, then Clint finally said.

"Yep, got stabbed right on the side. Bleeding out."

"That about wraps it up gang," Steve said, gaining groans of distaste from everyone.

"It was just getting fun though." Wanda complained.

"Yeah Capsicle, you're a Debby downer," Tony said, gaining a snicker from Steve, he both hated and loved when Tony called him Capsicle.

"Alright kid, I'm asking F.R.I.D.A.Y for your location," Tony said casually, not realizing the horror he would witness in the next two minutes.

"Fnlly'.." Peter said, his words slurring more.

"Uh- kid?" Tony whispered, his voice confused.

"It says here that you're on Madison Avenue-" Tomy pauses for a second, trying to get the words out.

"In a tall red building, its a barbour. Over ten stories high." He gulps.

"Kid- that, that building collapsed. It says you're right under it."

Everyone goes silent, no more of Captain Americas shield whipping through the air, no more of hulks grunts and roars of victory, no more of Clint's comments or Thor's laugh. It's as if everyone pauses.

"What the fuck," Clint says, breaking the silence.

"I do somethn' rong'..? Mm srry'.. Supid' Peter.." Peter said, his words slurring more. Stupid mushy brain.

"Kid- I'm coming there immediately, ok? Just, just-" Tony said, too worried and horrified to finish his sentence.

Peter was too tired to try and calm him down.

In a matter of minutes, he felt the rubble above him shake. The light streaming in, burning his droopy eyes.

"KID!" Tony yelled in his ear, and ripped off Peters mask, revealing many cuts and bruises on his innocent face.

"Kid oh God- ok I'm gonna have to- gotta have to cut the metal pieces, if I take them out now you'll bleed out more. I'll cut them down just enough so they aren't keeping you down ok? Then I'll take you to the emergency health center in the Avenger's tower. Just don't go to sleep, ok?" Tony said frantically.

"Gnight.." Peter said, he feels too sleepy.

Tony seemed to not like his answer. Yelling at him to stay awake. But Peter was too tired, and right when Tony was able to lift him off the ground, his eyes fluttered closed.

"KID KEEP- KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN. PETER-" Tony choked out, his tears streaming down his face.

"Sorry, Dad.." Peter muttered as his face turned white, his arm going limp.

Tony didn't hear the rest of the Avengers or the scream that erupted in his throat, he didn't hear and see anything.

He could only see black and white, no colors.

(Ha you hate me, no better way to start a one-shot book by killing off a main character and pissing off the readers!)

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