I Would Do Anything To Escape

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"Catch him! Hurry!" I raced through the street as the man chased after me, stumbling in his fancy uniform. Now was not a good time to be running from the castle guards, with barely any people in the streets. I was much more likely to be killed off when there weren't many possible witnesses.

After I hoisted myself up to the top of the nearest building, I jumped across the rooftops towards Devil's Forest, where I knew no one would dare follow me. My mother said I was foolish to step foot in there, but it wasn't as bad as the villagers made it out to be. I didn't care if there were poisonous animals hiding in the trees. I'd learned that if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Just like it was with the drunk guards near the bridge. Then again, most of them wouldn't know the difference between a thief like me and an assassin. That makes pilfering a few jewels or a bag of coins pretty easy.

Today was an exception, though. Apparently their constant ale supply had been taken away, because they actually had some senses for once. If this kept going on, my easy route would no longer be easy. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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