I hissed quietly as soon as my neck throbbed. Just like before it felt like I had burnt my neck which was pretty impossible but that's what it felt like.

I sat up pushing the covers of my body as I was boiling hot. My palms where sweaty and I couldn't understand what was going on. I immediately got out the bed and walked to the window, opening it. I needed fresh air.

I stupidly didn't even have my Soulmates number so I couldn't text her and ask if she was awake. My instincts where telling me to go to her, to be near her in anyway possible but what it she was asleep and I couldn't risk being caught by her parents. I sighed, I really wish she was here. Sophie had this type of beauty in her that I hadn't seen before, it was refreshing and I couldn't believe she was all mine.

I couldn't stand it anymore, my body was aching to go to her and I had to, this couldn't wait till tomorrow. Even if it was for five minutes, I had to see her. I knew where her bedroom window was and I could easily climb to it, even better since it had a small balcony.

I didn't change from my pyjama trousers and t-shirt as I would probably come back soon. Picking up an zip hoody and a grey beanie since my hair probably looked terrible. I decided on whether to tell Michael or not. I slipped out of my room and walked across to his but when I heard his soft snores, I decided to just leave it. I wasn't gonna be long anyway.

I left the flat and it only took me ten minutes to walk to her house. The throbbing on my neck had lessened and nearly disappeared when I took the previous route to her back garden. I looked up to see no light come from the house sept from a dimmed one from non other than her bedroom. Her curtains on the windows where closed but I could see the light come through on the sides.

I smiled, my little mate was awake.

I looked down at the ground and noticed a couple rocks lying there. Perfect. Picking them up, I aimed one at her window before throwing it. It hit her window with a tap and I smiled, throwing the other ones. Four rocks later I noticed the curtains moving, Sophie poked her head through the side of one and once she noticed me standing there her eyes widened slightly. She quickly moved the curtains and opened the door, a light smile was placed on her lips making her look beautiful.

She wore a black vest top and a pair of shorts which weren't too short. I noticed my black hoody covering her arms and shoulders and my smile widened. She was still wearing it.

"What are you doing here?" She whispered to me looking down and I just realised how Romeo and Juliet this seemed.

"I'm here to see you," I said to her keeping my voice down so no one would hear us. She smiled, crossing her arms over her chest, seeming cold.

"Let me up," I said and she looked at me confused.

"How?" I thought for a minute, not knowing what to do. She had a good point. I was in no way in hell going to sneak in through the house before her parents thought I was burglar and called the cops. I guess I could just climb up, her room wasn't the high above the ground.

"I'll just climb." I said before coming forward.

"Be careful Luke," she said in a worried tone and I couldn't help but feel happy that she cared, it warmed my heart.

I slowly stepped on the drain pipe which was one the side of the house. My height gave me advantage but then again since it was probably midnight, my body took it's time. I got up to the balcony swiftly and couldn't help smile, that was easier than I thought.

"Hey," I heard her whisper to me softly. Her voice was quiet as she let me into her bedroom. To say I was surprised was an understatement. I thought her room would be neat and tidy but it was the opposite. There where books everywhere. Other than a bed, a dresser and cupboard. There was a couple book shelves but I guess they weren't enough since books had been piled up in most corners of her room. The light was dimmed which was also good.

"Hi," I said turning back to her after looking about her room. I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable but I guess I did since she tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. I had properly known her for one day and already knew that she did that when she was nervous. I felt accomplished.

"Your still wearing my hoody," I said noticing it again. We where both standing in the room and I wasn't sure whether to sit down or not. She had shut the window and came next to me. I saw a small blush rise on her cheeks and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm sorry. You can have it back." She moved to get out of it but I stopped her by taking hold of her small hand. It was so soft and fit perfectly in mine, cheesy but true.

"No don't, you look great in it so keep it." I said truthfully. I had million other ones and this one was sure going to good use if it was keeping her warm.

"Thanks Luke," she said. I realised I was still holding onto her hand and immediately let it go panicking slightly. What if she didn't want to hold my hand. I felt relieved when she took my hand in hers again with a small smile. I wasn't the only one who liked it.

"So why are you here so late, I thought you might have come tomorrow or something," she spoke to me casually and I liked the fact that she wasn't shy around me. One thing I had noticed in school was that she was always shy but not around me.

"I couldn't sleep and my neck was killing me so I decided to come and see you." I said, we both took a seat on her bed but she sat cross legged.

"Can I see it?" She asked me and I nodded. She was obviously talking about her initials. Leaning my head forward so it reached her hight she moved closer to me.

She raised her hand and trailed it around my neck making me shiver slightly. Her fingers on my skin felt so good especially in that specific area. I wasn't sure what to do so I just stayed still, liking how closer her body was to mine.

"I really like them Luke," she said and my heart nearly burst with happiness.

"I really like them too," I said raising my head and looking into her gorgeous green eyes. They shone with happiness and I'm sure mine did too.


Thank you so much for reading guys, it means a lot to me and I really hoped you enjoyed this chapter and what do you's think about the size of the chapters? Let me know in the comments and please don't forget to VOTE!!!


-Nisha xx

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