33. Brendon walks Sexy Stranger #5's dogs.

Start from the beginning

"I don't know, but definitely older than fifteen, and definitely younger than one hundred," Gabe said.

"Let's try a different approach. Does Sexy Stranger #5 have brown eyes?" Mikey asked.

"I don't know, but if he had a band, he'd probably change its name constantly," Gabe said.

"It was a yes or no question!" Mikey exclaimed. He sighed, turned to me, and said, "You were right, Pete. This isn't helping."

Gabe shrugged and said, "I'm just not very good at describing people."

All of a sudden, someone knocked on the door. Gerard came out of nowhere, ran up to the door, and opened it, and sure enough, it was Frank Iero. He was wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt and black, ripped jeans, and his skin was covered in all kinds of tattoos. I was a little bit jealous of the scorpion tattoo on his neck, but I also knew that it meant that he would probably never get a real job. He was holding onto dog leashes with both hands, and I could hear his dogs barking outside the door. "Come on in, Frankie," Gerard said, and Frank stepped inside, bringing the dogs with him.

Gerard kissed Frank passionately, prompting Mikey to complain, "Get a room, you two. It's bad enough that I have to put up with your cutesy nicknames for each other."

"Mikey, you'll understand if you ever find someone that you truly love," Gerard said. He kissed Frank again, possibly just to annoy Mikey.

"Aww, thanks, Gee," Frank said. He then looked toward us and asked, "Are these your brother's friends?"

"Yeah," Gerard said. "I think I told you that they're staying in the basement for the next two weeks."

"That's terrible," Frank said. "How are you supposed to write your comic?"

"I know!" Gerard exclaimed. "It's not fair at all, but I didn't get any say in the matter. Mom and Dad just let these teenagers stay in our house without ever asking me about it."

"They have names, you know," Mikey said. He gestured toward me and said, "This is Pete Wentz," and then gestured to Gabe and said, "and this is Gabe Saporta." Gerard, however, didn't seem to care.

"Anyways, I'm going to the dog park," Frank said. "Does anyone want to come with me?"

"I'll come," Gerard volunteered.

"What about Pete, Gabe, and Mikey?" Frank said. "Do any of you guys want to come?"

None of us replied right away, but Brendon ran out of the basement and asked, "What's all of this about?"

"Gerard and I are taking my dogs to the dog park," Frank said. "Do you want to come?"

Brendon took one look at Frank's dogs, and he was immediately overloaded by their adorableness. "Your dogs are so cute!" he squealed.

"Thanks," Frank said.

"I'll definitely come to the dog park with you," Brendon said.

"We should go too, if only to make sure that Brendon doesn't get into too much trouble," I said. In reality, I had no interest in going to the dog park, but we had to make sure that Brendon didn't make the vision come true. Brendon going to a dog park was too close for comfort to him walking dogs.

"That sounds like a good idea," Mikey said. "Let's all go."

Gerard seemed surprised that all of us were willing to go, but he let us tag along anyways. Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Gabe, Brendon, and I all walked to the dog park together, and Frank's dogs yipped and barked the whole way there. After a while, it started to get on my nerves, but nobody else seemed to care. However, out of all of us, Frank was easily the most excited to go to the dog park. He jumped up and down the whole way there, and I got tired just watching him.

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