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(A/N: credits to the artist for the art! I wrote XueXiao because of this 😊😊😊)

Xue Yang's face is serious as he watched Xiao Xingchen cry. He just killed his own best friend Song Lan with his own hands. "Daozhang – " he called.

"Shut up!" Xiao Xingchen yelled, blood flowing down his cheeks from his eyes and is mixing with his tears.

"But, daozhang – "

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Xiao Xingchen said, agony is painted on his face. "How could you... how could you do this?!" he asked, mad, as he faced to him. "They were innocent!" he told him.

Xue Yang didn't answer. He just watched him cry his heart out. His heart has gone cold already watching how Xiao Xingchen cry over Song Lan. I knew it... he thought. I really should kill him. And now, since he knew who I am. He thought as he took out a knife and walked towards Xiao Xingchen. "Daozhang." He called. Xiao Xingchen didn't answer and faced him, his eyebrows knit. If only he still has his eyes, he would be glaring at him full of hate, loathing, and disgust. The thought created pain on his chest, but he ignored it. He stopped in front of Xiao Xingchen while the other is on the ground, kneeling and crying. He raised his hand and was about to kill him when his hand stopped in the air as he stared at him. He lowered his hand and he half knelt in front of him. "Daozhang." He called as he raised his hand without the knife and held his chin. He raised his chin and pulled his face closer to him. "Do you know why do you still not die until now?" he asked, amusement in his voice as he stared at Xiao Xingchen's angry face. "I wavered." He told him.

"What?" Xiao Xingchen finally said. When he knew it was Xue Yang, the first thing that he thought was why. Why did he still not kill him until now? "You must be joking." He said, sarcastic. Of all reasons and this is what he tells him.

Xue Yang smiled. "Go ask why. Ask me why I waver every time I try to kill you." He told him.

Xiao Xingchen pressed his lips tight. "Why?" he asked through his gritted teeth. Even if he hates him and is about to die, he still wanted to know the reason why Xue Yang kept him alive until now.

"It's because..." Xue Yang said.

Xiao Xingchen listened carefully, yet didn't hear more. He wondered, did Xue Yang play tricks on him again? But, he found out why Xue Yang didn't continue what he's saying when he felt soft and familiar touched his lips. He knew, deep inside his heart he knew. That soft and familiar are also lips, but he didn't dare think to assume. A-Qing is blind and a girl she wouldn't dare kiss him. While the kid he saved is also a guy, so it's impossible the kid would kiss him. But, turns out that kid is no ordinary kid since it is Xue Yang – his enemy. And now... tears fell from his eyes again as Xue Yang continued kissing him. He slipped his tongue inside his mouth and played with his tongue. "... just how much you hate me...?" he asked. "How much do you want me to suffer? How much will you disgrace me...?" he asked when Xue Yang pushed him down and opened his clothes.

"Daozhang..." Xue Yang called as he licked Xiao Xingchen's smooth and slender neck, then his shoulder. "You should know... I don't have a reason to hate you." He told him and kissed his lips as his hand slipped inside Xiao Xingchen's clothes and touched his skin.

Xiao Xingchen let out a moan. He was surprised. This sensation is new to him. "You – " he said, his body started to feel hot as Xue Yang continued to feel him. He gritted his teeth. Why do I feel pleasure being touched by my enemy's hand? He thought, mad to himself since he let out another moan of pleasure again.

"Daozhang... you should remember." Xue Yang said as he pinned Xiao Xingchen's hands with his one hand while his other hand is touching him. His legs parted Xiao Xingchen's leg. Xiao Xingchen wanted to protest, but he felt his body is weak and is reacting to Xue Yang's touches. "You were the one who interfered with my business – " he said.

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