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He fucked me up.
I wish I never met him or knew him but whatever happened happened. He will get it all back at him.
The rain and the sun are the only ones who knows how bad I've been feeling and he's the reason why.
I've never ever been like this in my whole life.
It's fine I will have my ups and downs. I know I will have days where I will break down, be upset, angry, cry, whayever till I forget about it.
If anything I have huge hope and expectations from myself nobody else.
Karma will do its thing sooner or later he will realise what he did and that he lost me for good and there won't be a welcome back.
I will take all the time I need but ai know for a fact J will heal. Yes I will.
It's funny I expected from him so much, but this will stop. I'm proud of where I am at this second of my life.
It's great how he is making me hate him.
All the love will be turning into hate.
I still appreciate the good times with him, because i'm not him.
He didn't even leave one damn reason to love him.
Sometimes enough is really enough.
I will be great. I know for a fact, I will be.
He's will realise what he lost, someone who was truly down for him and someone who deeply cared for him.
As much as it's a heart break as much as it is a good lesson and experience.
I promised him I wouldn't leave unless he tells me to leave his life, I gave him the promise
he didn't tell me to, he acted like it and actions speaks louder than words.

and i left.

What goes around comes all the way back around.

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