5. Kyle

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Kyle's POV.

I was just laying on the couch of our small apartment when I got a text from Sarah. It said that she is on her way home. Fuck! It's already this late?!

I quickly texted her back that she should wait for me at the cafe before getting ready in a hurry.

The sounds of a new message could be heard but I didn't even check while running down the street.

A secret shortcut was taken but when I entered the cafe I only found Sarah's coworker. While panting softly I walked up to her. "Hi, Eve. Is Sarah still around?" She shook her head. "She left a couple of minutes ago." I groan loudly and thank her before running out.

Damnit Sarah, where are you?!

After running around for a couple of minutes I see a group of people walking in front of me. When I look closer I notice Sarah in the middle of it and I slow down.

"Hey! You idiot! Why didn't you wait at the cafe like I told you to?" I yell at her and she quickly turns around before running to me and clinging to my arm. This woman confuses me till the end of time.

She kisses my cheek and talks to me in a lovely voice. ""Hey sweetie~ Missed me?" From that moment on I understand what is going on and smile down at her. We kind of made a promise to help each other out like this with annoying men and woman...

"This your boyfriend?" A guy from the groups asks and she nods at him while he raises an eyebrow. I have to admit, we don't look like a couple at all. We don't match in any way, shape or form.

A silene follows but it is soon broken by a very familiar giggle. "He's not your boyfriend!" Says a way to familiar voice while the girl is still laughing. A guy is holding her hand while he's smirking at me.

"Mei Lee? Is that you?!" I hear myself say while I walk away from Sarah "Traitor!" She yells after me but I ignore it.

I wrap Mei Lee in my arms and turn around while holding her tightly. "I missed you my lovely baby girl~" I sing in her ear before putting her down. She takes the dude's hand again while he holds his other hand out for me to shake. "Kyle." "Yoongi." We introduce ourselves and he smiles at me. Like he knows something I'm not aware of.

"I owe you a thank you for saving this angel." Yoongi says to me, never losing his smile and I rub my neck nervously. I mean, he makes me nervous alright. He's so damn good-looking. "Anybody would have done it!" I say after a little silence.

Suddenly it clicks for me and I look at their hands. I grab Mei Lee's shoulders tightly and look her in the eyes. "Don't tell me..." She nods with the biggest smile I have ever seen on her lips.

I can't help myself as I grab her and swirl her around again. "My baby girl has found her fated!~" I scream before putting her back down beside Yoongi. We are both giggling like the girls that we are.

After we calm down I smirk at Yoongi, and give him a quick wink. "If you hurt her you're mine to kill, understand?" He smirks in return and gently punches my shoulder. "Like you could fight me." "Ow? Try me. I don't think you even have any abs." I cross my arms and smirk at him.

He chuckels and lifts his shirt a little, showing his stomach. Damn... this small boy actually does have muscles. I nod in approval and look at Mei Lee again. "You sure caught yourself a big fish." She giggles softly and nods. "You have no idea."

"You really want to see a six-pack?" I raise my eyebrow and nod with curiosity. He calls another guy over in Japanese or something and the guy nods before heading over and lifting his shirt, showing me his perfect abs. "Holy shit..." Mei Lee laughs loudly beside me and clings to Yoongi's arm.

He unnamed boy chuckles and lifts his arms before showing off his biceps and triceps. How old is this kid exactly? "This is our muscle Kookie... he is the youngest but I swear he sleeps in the gym... There is no other way for him to look like that." Yoongi says and signals for the guy to relax.

He does as told and wraps an arm around Yoongi's shoulders, showing of his height. I shake my head, not believing what I just saw. "I'm sure he's loved by the lady's." Mei Lee nods. "Most girls scream for him when he even shows a little bit of skin from his stomach." I nod slowly.

The guy clears his throat and I look up at him. He opens his mouth to say something but stops the moment our eyes meet. I let out a scream of pain and sink to the floor. My body shaking even though I feel arms around me. Cold sweat quickly covers my body.

"Kyle?! Kyle! What's wrong? Talk to me..." I hear Sarah's voice talk I my ear but I can't answer her. My head hurts. It feels like it is going to explode so I grab my hair, trying to ease the pain. I hear someone else screaming in the distance. Our screams the only sounds being made.

Suddenly we are quiet. The pain is gone and I release my hair while panting badly.

As I look up I notice that I am no longer on the street from before. Instead I am on the floor of a dance studio. My body gets up without my permission and it starts to dance. I feel my muscles ache like I have been doing this for hours.

When my body finally turns to the mirror I realize that I am looking at the boy from before. I am him...

"Jungkook!" Yoongi enters the room and hands 'Jungkook' a bottle of water. I open the bottle and drink all of it in one go. "Calm down, dude. I know you work hard but you do need to take a break every now and then." I can actually understand what they are saying even though I have never understood Korean before. I mean... I just called it Japanse.

"Why do you even work so hard? You're almost going down like Jimin. You need to take care of yourself..." My head shakes no. "What if my fated person only likes men with a lot of muscles? Or a good dancer? I have to work hard... I can pretend to be bad at something but I can't pretend to be good at something if I'm not!"

Yoongi shakes his head. "Your fated person will see this memory... and know how hard you've worked to get where you are now but they will also be angry at you if you don't take care of yourself. Kookie... Come home with me and let's have some lamb skewers okay?" My head nods and my body gets up. I feel myself smile at Yoongi. Now I know for sure that he'll be good for Mei Lee.

I am pulled away from the memory and a couple more enter me. Even though I only get to live through a few of them. Most of them just take a spot somewhere in my brain. Ready for me to look through them later.

I look up at Jungkook and notice that he is staring at my chest. I gulp nervously... "Ehm... Cristina? Or Kyle?" He asks me softly. "Kyle... I gave up Cristina..." He slowly nods.

"Cristina... has been a while since I heard that name..." Mei Lee says softly and takes my hand. I knew this day would come. That I had to tell my fated person that I was born a girl. Not a boy. That I worked hard for this body and went through many operations.

My gaze is locked on the floor and all I can think about is what if he wanted a girl. What if I'm a disappointment?

Jungkook walks up to me and shyly talks to me. "Do you hate me? Am I... Am I not what you wanted?" Then I remember that he is insecure about himself as well. I shake my head. "You are prefect it's just..." I bite my lip and he lifts his hand to release it from my teeth. "I don't care... about how you were born..." His voice is still new to the English language and it shows, but I can't bring myself to care. "I only care about who and what you are now." He looks at the floor, expecting something like rejection but instead I pull him into a hug. Something I know he loves.

He hugs me back and I can feel his strong muscles straining themselves as he doesn't want to let go of me. My hand moves up to his hair and I moves my fingers over his scalp. He slowly relaxes in my arms.

"Soooo, only Hobi is left, huh?" RM says from behind us. We all turn to look at Hobi who shifts uncomfortably in his spot. Kookie chuckles and smirks at Hobi. "Don't worry Hyung, you'll find them soon enough." He says while not letting go of me.

I think I might fall in love with this man.

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