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Me and angel was currently in the hospital. I just got out of surgery and woke up they told me that angels bullet was 3cm away from her heart so they had to put her in a coma . I got out of bed and ran to her room a nigga really like her if I'm being real . I stayed in her room for hours talking to her even though he wasn't there physically but I know she was here mentally.
*later that day *
Jasmine POV
I heard that Ej and angel are in the hospital there was I drive by ofc I went to go see my best friend and I went to go see Ej even though I know he was kissing all up on my baby daddy but it's whatever I got him when his ass when he get out and for Jordan got his ass when I get home. I was on my way home to go confront Jordan I was crying hard as hell so I couldn't really see a lot of shit was going through my head like how could he. I was about to turn when skrrrrrrt BOOM my car wen out of control and I crashed into a truck I felt a large pain in my lower stomach and pain all over my body I was bleeding almost everywhere . Last thing I remember is hearing sirens and a lady " ma'am are you ok ?" Thats when I passed out u. I woke up to Ivs in me I wasn't injured but I didn't lose the baby and was gon have a headache for a couple of days so they gave me a prescription and said I can come home. Later that day I went home and Jordan was there he was sleep though I grabbed the knife and stabbed Jordan in his back he woke up"why" he said in pain .how could cheat on my with my own brother I said crying . "I'm sorr-" he began to say before I stabbed him again he was now dead . I couldn't believe what I jus did. my anger took control of me and I couldn't help it how could he cheat on me with my own brother. I also had anger for my brother I couldn't stand him
*incoming facetime*
Brother😡🖕🏾:hey Sis
Me:hey I was jus about to call u
Brother🖕🏾😡: oh really wassup?
Me:I need your help me and Jordan had a accident and he's kinda dead now and I need your help hiding him
Brother😡🖕🏾:w- im not even bout to ask I'm on my way.
Me:thanks .
Brother😡🖕🏾: bet
*ends FaceTime call*
Later that night Ej came over and we went into the woods and dig a hole in the ground big enough for Jordan's body we got finish digging the whole and I got my gun from out the side of my pants I started to get emotional and then said I'm sorry then BOOM i killed my own brother and kicked him in the hole and put Jordan on top I mean it's nothing new not like they didnt use to do that anyways .

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