Pt. 1

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(Sorry for any misspelled or grammar mistakes)
Heyyy y'all I'm jasmine , I'm 18 Im from the Bronx I can honestly say my life is fucked up to be a 18 teen year old my mom and dad are in a abusive relationship and sometimes also abuses me...
*phone rings*
Me :hey bestfrienddddddd
Bestfriend🤪❤️:hey  bitchhhhhhhh
Me: girl idk what to wear
Bestfriend🤪❤️: oh girl wear that cute ass black outfit u got
Me: ard bsf thanks !
Bestfriend🤪❤️: you already know I gotchu  see u at school  .
Y'all  maybe thinking who is my best friend my best friend is a girl names angel we have been friends since pre k ever since then nobody could separate us she's like a sister to me. I tell her everything and when I say everything I mean everything .

 I tell her everything and when I say everything I mean everything

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(Jasmines outfit )
Later that day...
Jasmine: Hey angle !
Angel: "Hey jasmine! Where your locker at mines is B250"
Jasmine:Mines is B252 .
Angle:"Cool yours is close to mines"
Jasmine: you wanna come to my house after school.
Angle: idk.. because your brothers going to be there and u know I have a big crush on him .
Jasmine : we are going to be in my room the whole time don't worry bout him .
*school bell rings *
(At home )
my mom wasn't home because she works 12 hour shifts at the nursing home and my dad..he's not In my life anymore after what happened...
*flash back*
"I was laying in bed watching tv it was late at night my dad came home drunk and started yelling him and my mom got into an argument and he started hitting her he slapped her and spit on her and then he came into my room and locked the door and he raped me I tried my best to get him off of my but he was to strong I started to feel weak so I jus lai there and cried every time I would try to fight back he would hit be back even harder😞..."
*end of flashback*
I walked inside as angel followed behind me and walk in to my brother and a light skinned boy .


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Heyy Ej! I said as I ran up to him giving him a hug

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Heyy Ej! I said as I ran up to him giving him a hug. Hey sis he said . Angel jus stood there looking at Ej you could tell she was nervous . Ej knew angel had a crush on him so he went up to her and said hey and hugged her I rolled my eyes at him . So who's your friend I asked oh.. this is Jordan he's 24. I met him while I was out of town we've been friends ever since . Hey i said to him he smiled and said he back . I looked back at angel she , she looked at him then back to me . Me angel have stuff to do so if u need us we will be upstairs.
*in my room*
Jasmines POV
Girl! That boy was soo fine but too bad he's my brother friend and he older than me my brother would flip if I was to date him he flips when I date a boy my age imagine if I date him I would be dead.
So what u wanna do today I hear there's a party at domo's house everybody supposed to be there. "Yeah we can go" angel says as she nods her head to the idea of going . Cool let me take a shower and get dressed and I'll be ready . "Same here I can use your downstairs bathroom to shower ?" Asked angel. Girl yes this ain't yo first time being here this yo house too I said as I chuckled . I wore a two piece black outfit .

 I wore a two piece black outfit

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Angel outfit

Angel outfit

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