Memories: Part 2

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(Y/N - 10 years old)

You were at the hospital crying as you held your adopted father's hand. These were his last few moments. The doctors told you that. "I'll miss you Dad!" you said. "I will always love you Y/N. Remember that..." he whispered before a beep on the monitor indicated that he had gone.

You spent a week alone in your room crying before you finally got over it. Not entirely but at least enough to move around again. Your adopted mom opens the door and peeks inside. She finds you at the door already. She gives you a broken smile as she hugs you. "It'll be alright," she whispers to you, almost saying it as if she wanted to console herself.

(Y/N - 11 years old)

You smile as you open the letter you'd just received from Keith. Inside in his scrawly handwriting was news that you were not expecting.

Dear Y/N,

How are you doing? I heard about your father. I'm sorry. I miss you so much. Wish you were here.

I...I wanted to say that .. a few weeks back, a house caught fire. By the time dad and the other firefighters reached there it was...too late. But dad did it anyway.. he went inside the house, got everyone out safely... except himself. He didn't have to, but he did it anyway. But at least I have you, right? I'm not alone. 

You started crying at that point. You wished you could be there for him.

 Also, something weird happened. Today a lieutenant came to our class and said that he was there to find the next generation of pilots for spaceships. His name was Takashi Shirogane but he told me to call him Shiro. He said I was pretty good but the teacher said I had disciplinary issues and I kinda.... stole his car, maybe.

You started laughing. Keith did love breaking the rules.

The weirdest part of all? He asked me to join the pilot class at some place called the Galaxy Garrison tomorrow. Even after I did steal his car. So I won't be able to send you any more letters. Goodbye Y/N. I hope we can see each other again.

Your friend,


You started crying again. This whole letter was a rollercoaster of emotions ending with sadness. You hugged the letter as you cried yourself to sleep hoping that you would see Keith again.

(Y/N - 13 years old)

You sat in your class staring out the window as the sunlight fell on your face. "Okay, class! Today we'll be having someone special in our class. Please welcome Lieutenant Adam." said the teacher. You didn't even flinch. Like you cared. As you stared out the window you heard the man speaking. 

"Hello everyone! Today I'm here to find the next generation of pilots that will go into space," he said. You heard 'wow's and 'awesome's around the class. You groaned at their behavior. They were acting like little kids. "But first I'll have to take a test to see who of you are going to be coming," he said. Then everyone groaned. "By playing a video game," he said again and everyone cheered. 

As everyone stood in line to play the game you just sat in a corner. You knew you would have no chance of even passing the first level. You just watched the lieutenant as he spoke with your teacher. He had brown skin and brown hair that fell into his eyes and he wore glasses . As he turned to look at you, you looked down at the ground pretending you weren't staring at him with your analyzing look.

You felt someone's hand on your shoulder and you looked up to see the lieutenant smiling at you. "It's your turn," he said and pointed at the simulator. You suddenly felt encouraged to try it out and as you sat down you felt as if you were really in a spaceship. 

As you played the game you imagined yourself really flying a spaceship without your brown hair flying in the air

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As you played the game you imagined yourself really flying a spaceship without your brown hair flying in the air. When you finally crashed into a rock you looked at your score to see you had just bet the current champion who was... Keith!!!!! 

"Wow!" You thought. Maybe You'll finally get to meet him again.

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