just a girl

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i'm just a girl
with so much
b i t t e r n e s s
for the world

at only sixteen,
life and death
was where i found
myself in between.

love wasn't
always something
i was surrounded by
so if i tell you
love isn't real,
please don't ask why.

trusting someone
wasn't always something
i had a hard time doing,
so please don't ask me why
that's not something
i try pursuing.

letting someone in
wasn't always
a hard thing to do,
and you'd understand
why if only you knew.

the bitterness
towards the world
wasn't always there too,
but that's the aftermath
of everything that
life put me through.

see i wasn't
always this way,
i didn't always
wake up,
wondering why
i'm still here,

but i don't hate
who i've become,
because the only
thing i am now,
is numb.

oh what a blessing
and a curse
it is to not feel
and everything
at all.

letters from a sad poetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang