Choices for the good

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Lance stood in the home of the McClains, he gathered his family to tell them about his choice. Everyone sat in the living room, Lance the only one standing. The children sat on either their parents lap or right next to them, all paying attention to lance.

"I've gathered you here for a great reason. I wanted you all the know first before I tell the others. But me and Keith are going back up into space. We've recently found out that Voltron is still needed. Earth is still in danger, we are leaving tomorrow. The earliest the better." Lance said, he looked around to shocked faces.

"Your leaving again mijo?" Mamá McClain spoke up first, lance nodded. She stood up and hugged him tight, lance hugged her back immediately,

"Is there any way I can convince you not to? Your family is here, on earth." Mamá McClain spoke softly, you could hear the sadness filling in her voice so clearly.

"I'm sorry Mamá, but earth isn't safe just yet. The rebels could attack earth, we won't be ready for it either. None of you would be safe, it's better if we go than for any of you get hurt." Lance said, Mamá McClain nodded and stepped back.

"I love you guys so much, never forget that." Lance smiled, tears threatened to fall, but lance never let them.

"I wanna come with!" Reina and Jake spoke up. Lance shook his head and walked up to his siblings.

"No, the twins need you. So do Lana and Danny, they need their mom and their uncle here. I need you guys to stay here and keep everything under control." Lance smiled, the two siblings nodded and hugged their brother.

"I know Lana will miss you a lot. She likes you more than her actual parents." Reina laughed, tears falling down her face.

"I know, I'll miss her too. But it's better this way. We're trained for this, you guys aren't, I need you guys to keep this place sane." Lance laughed and the two chuckled. Reina picked up Lana and handed her to lance.

"Hey little girl, uncle lance have to go okay? Be good for me little lady." Lance smiled and kissed her forehead. She wined and clung to lance.

" I know, I know. Too soon? But I have to, I promise. You can call me anytime you want, I'll never be too busy for my favorite niece." Lance smiled,

"I'll miss you Ance." The eight year old frowned, lance smiled and kissed her forehead again.

"I'll miss you too little lady. Always be this amazing lady you are, I'll be home soon." Lance smiled, and put her down. He said his goodbyes to the twins and Danny too. All too emotional and heartbreaking for the blue Paladin.

When the next day come around, mostly everyone agreed to join. Of course with some convincing, they all said yes. They still haven't heard from Matt and James. Who still were a mystery to the both of them. They would answer at the most weirdest times. But nobody would question it.

When it was time to go up, everyone smiled and walked in the ship. With the new crew members, rooming was not that tricky. Of course the girls had their own room, but the boys stuck together.

But when lance and Keith walked into their now shared room. They stopped at the fact that it was the same as they left it. The bed with blue covers on it, with blue highlights on it. Before they left, Keith installed red bits of lights. Colliding the room with both red and blue.

Keith hugged into the side of lance, lance rubbed his back and kept walking.

"I never thought I would see this room ever again." Keith frowned, he looked up at lance and lance stayed silent. Lance set their luggage by the dresser that was stationed on the right of the room.

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