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cutie mer: what's up jc?

cutie jc: tell me what's been going on, and don't lie. i know something is wrong 

cutie mer: i don't know what you're talking about 

cutie jc: oh don't bullshit me meredith. i'm your best friend, i know you so damn well. i know when something is wrong and you're hiding something. first you've been pushing off seeing kian. you've been pushing off seeing me. haven't posted anything on anywhere in 5 months now. won't ft kian. won't ft me. i know that pic from your shoot was from months ago and the comments are right, it looks like you've dropped a lot of weight.

cutie mer: jc i'm a model. it's healthy for me to lose weight like this. it's part of my job. and i haven't been pushing off to see you guys, i miss you both so much! but i've been working like crazy. i have shoots booked up my ass. i have so much to do and so little time. so i'm sorry if it seems like i'm pushing you guys away. i'm not, you just have to wait until my shoots die down and i have some free time. 

cutie jc: yes i understand it's healthy to lose weight but not as much as you've already lost. i know something is wrong and if you don't tell me i will book a flight and fly down there tomorrow morning. so it's your choice. you either tell me the truth right now or me and kian will be there tomorrow to find out in person. 

cutie mer: jc please stop 

cutie jc: tell me the truth mer. i'm worried. kian doesn't see it right now but i do. what's wrong

cutie mer: please don't tell kian what i'm about to tell you.. i'm not ready to tell him yet 

cutie jc: you have my word 

cutie mer: i've been battling extremely hard with an eating disorder for a really long time now.. i didn't realize what was going on until chase pulled me back into reality 5 months ago. i was being brainwashed by my managers and agents and they kept telling me i was gaining a very unhealthy amount of weight and models couldn't look like that.. so they put me on a very strict diet for a few months and now i'm really struggling to fix this

cutie jc: oh meredith :( 

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