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cutie mer: jccccc

cutie jc: merrrr

cutie mer: kian texted me

cutie jc: yeah i kinda figured he'd be doing that 

cutie mer: did he tell you?

cutie jc: no, but i know kian and he's gonna do everything he can to be on good terms with you 

cutie mer: i miss him :( 

cutie jc: i know you do, but please don't rush anything. i know you mer and i'm not gonna let you get hurt again

cutie mer: i appreciate you very much my cutie jc

cutie jc: is my name still cutie jc in your phone lmao

cutie mer: lolol nooooooo

cutie jc: don't worry your name is still cutie mer

cutie mer: wow we're such cute friends 

cutie jc: kian wants to come tonight 

cutie mer: i know he does.. 

cutie jc: i told him i didn't think it was a good idea and he needed to relax a little and not push you so much 

cutie mer: he was being all cute in the messages again, being real sweet and telling me that he loved me. i told him that i'll always love him but i needed time and he told me he's wait forever 

cutie jc: i really do believe that kian is in love with you but he needs to learn from his mistakes. i know you're not ready to see him and move forward quickly, you need to know that too

cutie mer: trust me jc, i do know that. i'm not going to rush myself into something like this. i learned my lesson last time

cutie jc: just know i got you, no matter what. do you want me to pick you up or do you wanna meet?

cutie mer: i can meet you at your place and we can go together, if you want 

cutie jc: you do know kian is gonna be here..

cutie mer: yes i know, i'll be okay 

cutie jc: see you soon cutie mer 

cutie mer: see you soon cutie jc

media love // kian lawleyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon