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unknown: hey mer

meredith: who is this?

unknown: it's me.. kian

meredith: i'm sorry, kian who?

unknown: kian lawley..

meredith: jc is this you? this isn't funny

unknown: no, mer.. it's really me.. it's kian

meredith: okay haha jc that's enough. you know you sure got a sick sense of humor

unknown: mer it's really me.. kian

meredith: why are you texting me

unknown: i really wanted to talk to you..

unknown: explain what happened..

meredith: there is nothing to explain. you cheated on me with my best friend 

unknown: there's a lot more to explain

meredith: not really 

unknown: please let me explain

meredith: there is nothing to explain

unknown: please mer

meredith: don't call me that. only my friends get to call me that 

unknown: please 

meredith: make it quick cause i'm seeing a movie with jc in 15

unknown: andrea was telling me all these bad things about you. how you cheat on every guy you date. you slept around a lot. all you ever do is cause fights. and i fell for it and i just need the truth. 

meredith: i was abused and cheated on in 3 of my past relationships. my only 3 relationships. i cried to andrea constantly cause i didn't know how to get out of them. i've never cheated. i've never slept with anyone i didn't date for over 5 months. 

unknown: i'm so stupid 

meredith: nothing you can say changes what you've done

unknown: trust me i know. i fucked up meredith, i really did. i regret it every day.

meredith: lolol you regret it? i didn't know regret looked like happy smiles, youtube vidoes, kissing and showing your 'princess' off. 

unknown: i honestly don't know what to say to that

meredith: nothing kian, you say nothing and you go on with your relationship with andrea and i will go on with seeing the movie that starts in 3 minutes with jc

unknown: i don't wanna say goodbye meredith 

meredith: so don't, i will. goodbye kian

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