"What, of course, I do."

"I want to hear you say it."

Mira smiles and gives him a little kiss. "I love you, Michael."

Michael grins and starts kissing Mira and passionately at that. Mira is surprised by this and pushes him off.

Michael looks confused and frowns "What? What's wrong?"

"Wait I just umm I don't know. I'm not ready."

"Baby, it's okay. You love me right?"

"Yeah I do bu-" Mira is stopped by Michael's mouth on hers. Mira isn't ready, so she's trying to push him off. "Wait Michael stop!" Michael continues to kiss upon her neck and groping her all over. "Michael! I'm serious stop! I don't want to! MICHAEL!"

"Mira! Calm the hell down! You're okay, just relax."

Mira starts to tear up, "I don't want this Michael, please!"

"Sssshhhh baby, you're okay." Michael pulls up her skirt and pulls down his pants.

Mira just hopes that this happens quickly. She doesn't understand why he won't listen to her. She thought he loved her. 

Michael starts groaning causing Mira to cry even harder. 

At that moment, Michael goes flying off of her and a black sharp looking object sprouts out of the ground and pierces him through the chest.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH" Mira screams. She has no clue what just happen, but Michael is now dead right in front of her. 


She turns around. The tree trunk was definitely calling her name. She couldn't help, but get up and go towards it. Once she was standing right in front of it, she stretches her arm out and touches it.


She turns to see who it is. It's her mother, but it was too late. An enormous amount of dark magic starts going through her and it was too much, so she passes out. 


When Mira wakes up, she's laying in her bed and her head is throbbing like crazy. She goes to reach for her head but then sees that there are black veins running through her arms. She runs to the mirror and sees that it's all over her body. She's about to scream when she hears two people arguing, one of them being her mother. 

She runs out her room but stops in her tracks when she sees the back of a tall man with black curly hair. Her mother stops talking and looks at her causing the man to turn around. 

His eyes were pitch black, which scared her. She takes a step back, but then his eyes goes to a light blue color. Ocean eyes, like hers. 

Her mother stomps towards her and smacks her causing her left cheek to sting like crazy. Mira raises her hand to her cheek and starts to tear up from the pain.

"How idiotic can you be! I have specifically told you to never go to that place ever! I've said this multiple times and you still didn't listen to me! I knew there was something up when you said that you were having a picnic when you specifically said that you didn't know yesterday. And this whole damn time you've been lying to me about seeing Tommy! Who even was that grown man?! How could you have been seeing someone so much older than you?!"

"Maily! Calm down! This is your fault! She has a right to have her magic. You should have never tried to dormant her demon side! Now, look at what happened, that filthy thing put his hands on our daughter! I'll make sure he suffers in hell! She could have protected herself if you hadn't done that! You should be glad that the magic in that stomp decided to kill him for her. You should have been paying more attention to her instead of being worried about how you look to the public."

"Our daughter?" Mira whispered.

"Yeah? Well, now that damn dark magic is running through her veins! Literally! Look at her!"

They both stare at her. Mira has never been so afraid and confused at the same time. "What's happening to me?"

"Take her back with you. I don't need people seeing her like this. It was already hard enough to bring her back here without them seeing her. She's not going to be able to control her powers. She needs to be in the underworld with you and I don't need this damn dark magic in my home."

"She's your daughter."

"And sadly, she's also yours. Get out of my house and take her with you."

The man looks at Mira and says "It's time to go, Mira." He opens up what seems to be a portal and starts pulling Mira through it.

"Wait! No! Mom! Who is this?! I don't want to go with him! MAMA!" The last thing Mira sees before the portal closes is the disgust in her mother's face.

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