Chapter 15: The Kingdom Behind the Water

Start from the beginning

Aithal raised an eyebrow. Saryana stopped even trying to hide her amusement; she was looking at him as if she had seen his likes a million times over and knew responses like his by heart. What was going on in Edmian's head, Jolette still couldn't tell. He was still dripping wet from the waterfall like the rest of them, but unlike the others he barely seemed to notice.

"So," Evariel said, eyeing the group, "what brings you here? Who are all these people?"

Aithal smiled. "This lady is Saryana, a commander in the Jadirian Army and my bride. These two are Jolette of Rivertown and Edmian of the Colorless Land."

Evariel gazed at them both even as Jolette shifted awkwardly, unsure how to feel about the way Aithal had addressed her and Edmian, as if they were some kinds of nobles and not half-grown teenagers on the run. "Don't tell me," the elf said as his eyes grew round. "Are these your children?"

Saryana snorted again, and the circle of elves behind Evariel erupted into laughter. "How can they be their children when they all look nothing alike?" they shouted. "Evariel, you're so stupid!"

"Shut up– shut your mouths, please!" Evariel shouted back over his shoulder. "Have you never heard of foster-children?"

But they only laughed even more, and Evariel flushed. "Anyway," he said over the sound of their laughter, trying and failing to play off his embarrassment. "Why are you here?"

In an instant Aithal sobered up, placing a hand on Edmian's shoulder and pushing him forward just as Saryana did the same with Jolette. "We bring two children on the run," he said. "They are being pursued by the Colorless, and one of them needs healing. Is your father still the king?"

Evariel nodded.

"Good," Aithal said. "If it's possible, we would like to speak to him."

~ ~ ~

Leaving the other elves behind to keep guarding the entrance, Evariel led them through the hall, up a steep, winding flight of stairs illuminated by more lanterns and out onto a wide, grassy court.

Jolette held her breath. Built into the side of the mountain was an entire gigantic city. Terraces above terraces had been hewn into the rock, spacious and perfectly flat, with intricate railings of stone and blossoming gardens beyond. Carpets of green grass stretched out before their feet, sprinkled with bushes and flowers that were still alive and summer-bright despite the oncoming winter. Climbing plants wound their way over terraces and railings, and each terrace was illuminated by the same colorful lanterns, which brightly led the way through doors and archways into the dwellings beyond.

Outside the sun was slowly setting, casting everything into a rose-colored light. From the dwellings came voices and snippets of song. Jolette did not understand what they were singing, but the tune put her at ease, as if she knew that nothing could happen as long as they were here.

Evariel smiled proudly. He must have seen her expression, because he bowed and motioned along the path that led up to the dwellings. "Welcome to our home."

Still speechless, they followed him past the grass and flowers and bushes across the court. Jolette could have sworn she saw a butterfly in passing. But before she could look closely and make sure, she was suddenly distracted by voices from above.

"What is that?" said someone almost directly over her head. "Guests? Look at that, humans, and four of them at once!"

"Humans?" shouted a second voice. "Why, you're right! Four of them, and two still children! Isn't that delightful?"

"Most incredibly marvelous!" exclaimed a third.

The three voices laughed, then they were joined by a fourth. "Why, isn't that Aithal? Sun and stars, he's grown so old!"

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