Chapter 13

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Ashley's POV

I came into my senses after a series of in and out of unconsciousness. This time I took my time to study my surroundings before opening my eyes.

They were talking. All of the voices were familiar but I can only placed Andrea's face in one of them. The rest were mysteries.

I then decided to open my eyes and as expected, all of them went beside me asking a series of questions.

The doctor cleared his throat in order to bring peace in the chaos. "Okay guys, please give the patient some space." He said in a charming tone. "I'm Dr. Sheeford and I'm a neurologist. Your latest CT and MRI indicated that the slight swelling on your brain has subsided. And based on my analysis there are no further brain damage."

"Then why can't I remember anything that happened since the last half of 2012 until today!" I asked.

"You were suffering from what we call a Retrograde Amnesia. It is the loss of memory-access to events that occurred, or information that was learned, before an injury. Even though your brain was spared from any permanent injuries, it suffered from a trauma therefore the memory loss." He explained. "Give it time and then we'll proceed from that."

He then tried to explain a lot of things but my brain wasn't able to absorb anymore information. I can't believe that I can't recall anything from my senior year and the most shocking of all was I turned gay. And not only me but Andrea too.

This was too much for me. "I think I needed some rest. Could you all just go?" They reluctantly agreed, even the person whom they claimed as my fiancee.

"Andrea... can you please stay?" I said before all of them left my room.

She took a seat beside me and waited for me to compose myself. That was what I really love about her. She wasn't nosy and respected my personal space. She knew that I'll come to her in my own personal time.

"So... I missed a lot."

"Apparently yes... and they were the best part of your life." She further explained when she saw my confused look. "What do you remember?"

"The last thing I remember was the state championship where our team won. We were doing this crazy stunt until the girl that was supposed to catch me got distracted and I fell and blacked out. The next thing I remembered was waking in the hospital bed." Everything that happened after that were blank as if my memory was reset into zero.

"That was late 2012. You bumped your head pretty hard but it again, your brain was spared. You must really have a very thick skull." She joked and giggled. I joined in too. "However, your left hand and right foot was put in a cast. You weren't able to go out whole summer so you moped around. Good thing your cast was removed before our senior year."

"Go on..."

"Don't you really remember Dan and Dy?"

I tried to think about them but the strain caused my head to hurt. "I really can't."

"Okay... so do you remember the nerd girl that we used to bully on our junior year?"

"The girl with thick glasses?" I remembered. She joined our school in junior year. Emily and Court kept on picking on her but she doesn't seems affected. Sometimes I laughed in silence seeing their annoyed faces. "What does she have to so with this."

"Well... she is your fiancee."

"What?" I almost yelled in shock. How can that be possible? They didn't even look alike.

"They are the same person. You just have to remember or take my words." I knew she would never lie to me so I believed her.

"You told me Emily and Court were in rehab. What happened to them?"

"They got involved in drugs. They never finished high school but their parents managed to tweak the system for them to have diploma. We had a fall out at the start of senior year."

Her story saddened me. Those two were my friends since we were a kid. I hoped that my memory should return soon.

"And Chris?"

"He's in jail." She deadpanned.

"Why?" I knew Chris was a trouble maker but I never knew he would really end up in one. He never really matured. "When will he be released?" I knew he was my boyfriend but somehow I can't feel anything for him. Not even a bit of concern or longing.

"He won't be seeing the light if day for the rest of his life. He's incarcerated for life." She explained.

"For life? He must have done a very serious crime. What have he done?"

She paused for a moment before answering my questions. "Attempted murder, attempted kidnapping and seriously physical injuries." I nodded in understanding even though I was still surprised to know that he was capable of doing such thing. "They were also charged with illegal possessions of firearms and substance."


"Chris and his cousin, Ben." She clarified. Ben was Chris' no good cousin. His ego was higher than his brain since he's the mayor's son.

"Whom was the crime committed to?" I inquired.

"Chris tried to kill us by ramming his truck on Dylan's car when we were on the way to her house... well it became your house too since you have been living with her for a more than a year now. Then they tried to kidnap you. Good thing we were rescued."

There were a lot of questions in my mind right now. And trying to remember brought stress to my brain causing me massive headache. I tried to massage my forehead but it wasn't working.

"You need to rest Ashley. I promise to tell you all you wanted to know."

"I know and I trust you." She smiled at me while she fixed my blanket. "Thanks"

"No worries. I'll be here when you wake up." I pushed the button on my side and it wasn't long before I succumb to sleep.

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