Chapter 15

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Jimin POV

Luckily, I managed to convince Tae not to force me to go back to class before it ended, not wanting to have to face everyone. Of course, the teacher tried to come over to talk to us and I simply ran out of the classroom again. Though, this time, Jungkook ran after me to at least keep me from running away from the classroom entirely, making us wait outside of the room for Tae to exit as well.

"What happened back during the exam with the two of you? You both ran off and didn't return until class was over, I thought you guys had left." Jungkook questions with a frown as we walk out of the canteen. Lunch has just now ended and we're finally walking away from our lockers to head off to our next class together. It never really occurred to me that I've got classes with them both all day long, but I certainly don't mind it. I enjoy having their company and their comfort with me all day long, even if Tae is super insistent on making sure that I'm okay every fifteen minutes.

"It's nothing, Jungkookie. We just ended up having a long conversation while we were out. I already talked with her and she's cool with me making it up tomorrow morning." Taehyung responds to the darker brunette, still holding my hand with our fingers laced together as we walk.

I just stay quiet, leaning my head against his shoulder as we walk, ignoring all of the looks that we're getting. I'm not at all in the mood to care about what others are thinking at the moment, just trying to keep myself afloat and ignore all of the anxiety still flowing through my veins from this mornings little incident.

When we finally reach the classroom, I let Tae blindly lead me to the back where our seats are before taking my seat. Setting my notebook down on my desk and pulling my pencil out, I lay my head back down on Tae's shoulder.

"You feeling okay, baby?" Tae asks softly, looking down at me with a gentle smile. I just return a tiny smile, nodding my head before focusing my attention back to my drawing as I flip through the pages of my notebook to find the last one I'd been working on before I had ran out.

"You sure, Jiminie?" Tae questions in a gentle tone, snaking an arm around my shoulder and rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. I simply nod my head, not bothering to look back up at him as I begin to return to my sketching. He just sighs, kissing my head. I don't imagine he believes me too well, but I don't really care. I'm not in the mood to speak, a usual side effect of an anxiety attack for me.

As class soon begins, I don't bother lifting my head from Tae's shoulder. I simply keep it laid there and keep my focus on the paper before me as I continue to try and sketch what I'd think Tae would look like when he's dancing. It's a phenomenon I'm still hoping I get to see, but that's a complete uncertainty with that attack earlier. I can't let these episodes happening. Otherwise I'll get sent right back, and I most likely won't make it back out if I go back in. And that's the last thing I want now that I've got Tae. I just... I suppose it would've helped if I had nearly properly recovered the first time I'd left that damned hellhole.

I just shake my head to myself, lifting my head off of his shoulder as I lean over my drawing a bit more as I continue focusing on sketching. Though, that doesn't last long before I feel Taehyung take my hand in his with a fairly tight grip, gently pulling my notebook away from me. My eyes widen as I watch him pull it away, shutting it and setting it down on the floor. I look over at him, quickly beginning to panic before looking back up at the front of the classroom.

Unlike this morning, our corner ends up to be the last ones to get what's being passed out. I can already feel myself wanting to get out of here and run without even seeing what it is, gently beginning to try and tug my hand out of Tae's hand. However, he doesn't let me pull away, looking over at me with a sympathetic smile. I just shake my head, growing scared as I try to pull away harder.

"The two of you need to settle down and behave. I don't need either of you tryin to cheat on my exams." Our teacher scolds loudly for the entire silent class to hear, setting down a paper on both of our desks.

I don't bother looking at what it is, ripping my hand away from Taehyung finally, before bolting out of there. I can feel my chest tightening quickly, making it hard to run.

"Park Jimin! Get your ass back here!" I hear our teacher call after me. It only makes me run even faster, forcing me to come to a skidding halt as the school's resource officer steps into the center of the hallway in front of me. I whine loudly in fear, turning on my heel and nearly slipping as I try to take back off the other way. I don't get anywhere though, feeling a strong pair of arms wrapping around me to hold me back as they slowly lower me to the ground so that I can't fight or run.

"No! No, please let me go!" I scream, tears now streaming down my cheeks as I squirm in his arms. Lifting my head up, I see Taehyung stood there in the hallway with a worried look on his face, slowly walking over to us. Feeling darkness slowly beginning to take over from lack of oxygen, I whimper quietly while looking up at him.

"I'm so sorry, Tae." I whimper out, knowing I'll get taken back to the hospital and that they aren't going to let me back out this time.

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