Chapter 13

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Jimin POV

Walking through the halls with my hand wrapped up in Taehyung's, I keep my gaze on the floor so as to try and ignore everyone. I'm already disappointed in myself over just how anxious I got about dating Tae, I don't need to pay attention to just how much everyone's judging me here on top of that.

"Ooh! Are the two of you a thing now?" Jungkook questions excitedly as he pops up on my other side. I glance up at him to find him looking between both Tae and myself, truly seeming excited. Tae just chuckles, nodding his head.

"That we certainly are." Tae answers before glancing down at me with a soft smile. I just blush lightly, giving him a small shy smile before looking away once more.

"It's about damn time. The two of you are fucking adorable together. I'm so happy for both of you." Jungkook squeals. I can't help but giggle quietly in response to Jungkook's excitement. I'm surprised by how happy he is over Tae and I being together, having somewhat expected him to be grossed out or hate me or something.

Seconds later, Jungkook goes off rambling about some random thing as we continue walking through the halls. I don't really pay him any mind, as I let Tae lead me through the halls that I'm slowly growing familiarized with. I simply try not to pay attention to the people stood around in the halls that I know are stopping and staring at us, not bothering to mind whatever the hell Jungkook is going on about, just trying to focus on Tae's hand that's holding mine.

We go around, stopping first at Jungkook's locker before going off to Tae's, and eventually to mine. As I open up my locker, Tae let's go of my hand, moving to behind me and suddenly wrapping his arms around my waist. I feel my cheeks warm at his action, taking a deep breath before continuing on with what I'm doing so that I can toss everything in my locker and grab only one notebook out of it.

"Jimin, is that gonna be enough for all of our classes this morning?" Jungkook questions with doubt. I just bite my lip and look down at the floor.

"It's going to be plenty for him, Kookie. Just leave him be with it. Jiminie knows what he's doing." Tae responds for me, leaning forward and kissing my cheek softly. I force myself to take another deep breath, shutting my locker. Once it's closed, Taehyung pulls away from me before taking my hand back in his and lacing his fingers through mine. It calms me back down even though I don't say anything, just letting him hold my hand as he starts leading me through the halls and people once more.

Thankfully, we soon arrive to the classroom. The three of us head back to the back of the classroom before taking our seats. I merely set my notebook down, pulling my pencil out and flipping to a new clean page. With Tae on my left side and still holding my hand, it thankfully doesn't bother me as I begin sketching in my notebook since I'm right handed.

Soon enough, class begins, but I continue to ignore everything happening. I don't care about paying attention in class when I know that I won't understand a single thing anyways, just focusing on sketching a new picture of Tae as he's sat beside me with Jungkook on his other side. Though, instead of simply drawing him as he is next to me, I begin to wonder what he'd look like when he's dancing. He didn't really get a chance to do much last time since I freaked out and ran off. I feel bad that he didn't have the chance to do anything he'd gone there to do, but I'm certainly glad he came after me, even if I didn't originally want him to.

So, with no idea what the hell he looks like when dancing, I'm left to use my terribly active imagination. Biting my lip in concentration, I keep my gaze locked on the page laid out before me and let the pencil tip begin to guide its way around the page, outlining first the dance studio room before starting on his body.

Though, I'm interrupted when a figure appears in front of my desk. Nervously looking up and suddenly realizing that Tae is no longer holding my hand, I find the teacher stood in front of me. Swallowing hard, she reaches out and gently closes my notebook before pushing it back towards me as she holds a stack of papers in her hand. Looking down at the notebook nervously, my head snaps over to Tae as he takes my notebook off of my desk and gently sets it down on the floor between our desks.

Glancing back up at our teacher with wide eyes, she simply sets a small packet of papers down on my desk before walking away again. Looking down at the front page, my heart rate takes off flying as I read the word on the top of the page.


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