Chapter 2

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Taehyung POV

Humming softly to myself, I make my way through the halls and over to my locker. Opening it up, I grab the things I need for my morning classes before shutting it again.

"Good morning, Tae!" Jungkook greets as he reaches my side. I chuckle at him, straightening his hair out for him before we begin to head off towards our first class that we have together.

"Morning, Kookie. Did you remember to do the homework?" I question as we make our way through the halls. His face drops almost instantly as he groans. I chuckle once more, having expected this when he had decided to put it off till the last minute.

"You can copy mine when we get to class. I'll have to run off right after I give it to you though. I'm supposed to be meeting the new kid in the office this morning so that I can show him around and take him to class. I think he's supposed to have the same schedule as me, honestly." I remind him as we turn down the last hallway. He simply nods his head in return, looking over at me curiously.

"Are you looking forward to meeting him? It'll be interesting having a new kid in the class. The last time we had that, it had been you just a few years ago and look how you've turned out. Mr. Fucking Popular." Jungkook teases with a wink. I just smile at his antics, shaking my head at the boy.

"I'm excited to meet him. Everyone new that comes through here is always different and it's interesting getting to learn about them and whatnot. Everyone's always got those weird quirks about them, and those tend to be more noticeable on their first day here rather than after they've been here a while." I respond with a shrug. He just rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head this time as we walk into the classroom.

Handing him the homework to copy, I walk out of the room right afterwards and begin to make my way to the office. As always, the girls in the hallway stop and gawk at me, something that I simply ignore and find mildly annoying. They do it every single time I'm around, and don't even bother trying to make it unnoticeable.

Rolling my eyes at their antics, I ignore their desperate attempts of trying to get my attention, a small smile on my lips as I near the office. Humming softly to myself, I soon reach it and enter the room.

"Ah, thank you for remembering, Taehyung! I was worried you'd forget over the weekend." Mr. Kang, our principal, says with a smile as he spots me. I merely smile and shrug in response.

"You should know by now that I'd never forget. Is he here yet?" I ask curiously, glancing around the room in curiosity.

"No, not yet. Hopefully, he'll be here soon though, so that you two aren't late for class." He answers, just seconds before the door swings open. Turning my head to look over at the person in the doorway, I spot a shy looking black haired boy stood there silently.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Park Jimin, yes?" Mr. Kang asks with a smile. Continuing to watch him, he simply glances around the room hesitantly before nodding his head.

"Perfect. This is Kim Taehyung. He'll help show you around the school and take you to your classes. We've designed your schedule such that it's identical to Mr. Kim's so that it'll be easier for both of you." He continues, explaining information for Jimin. He merely glances over at me, a certain nervousness in his eyes as he nods in acknowledgment.

"Hi, Jimin. It's nice to meet you." I greet kindly as I step over to him. I catch his plump lips form a tiny frown, simply nodding once more in response.

"Ready to go? I can take you to your locker first and then we can head to class, if you'd like?" I offer softly.

"Yes, please." Jimin finally speaks, his sweet light voice quiet. I smile once more, proud I could actually elicit a verbal answer from him.

"Alrighty. Let's go then." I say with a small smile. He merely nods once more, following me silently out of the office and into the hallway.

"So are you excited to be here or more nervous?" I ask softly as I elect to take him through the less crowded and quieter halls. He purses his lips, looking away from me as he shrugs.

"Can't say I'm excited." Jimin mumbles under his breath as he follows me closely. I chuckle softly, nodding my head.

"That's a normal thing, I guess. I don't think most people are excited to start at new schools, or even excited to be going to school in the first place. I can officially be your first friend here though, if you want? And my best friend, Jungkook, would be more than happy to become friends with you as well? That way you don't have to feel so alone here." I offer lightly.

Jimin glances over at me, a tiny confused frown on his lips as he tilts his head to the side just a tad bit. He hums softly for a moment before looking away again, gaze cast back down to the linoleum flooring of the hallway as the tiniest of smiles appear on his lips whilst nodding.

"I'd be okay with that."

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