Chapter 8

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Taehyung POV

As we finally arrive at the dance studio, I've managed to finally get Jimin into a bit of a better mood. It was a little difficult considering how upset and frustrated he'd been with having to eat and then the whole issue with how much he's struggling with his classes, but I've managed to do it.

For the last hour, we'd been hanging out in my room just watching whatever shit had been on the television that he'd seemed a bit interested in. Then the entire way here, we'd been talking about the dance stuff and trying to get him the rest of the way into a better mood. His love for dance is pretty clear, it's just a little heartbreaking how worried he is about how well he's going to be able to do today. Not that there's any real pressure or anything since it's not like he's being graded or judged or anything, but it's pretty damn obvious that he holds himself to some extremely high standards that are probably a little unhealthy for him. Not that I'm about to voice those thought to him or anything though, I'm not dumb enough to make things worse by telling him that.

"You ready, Jiminie?" I ask with a smile as we set our bags down on a couple of free chairs that line one of the walls in the dance area. There's another set of chairs lining the other side, these two being the only sides without mirrors. He just takes a deep breath though, as he looks over at me with a tiny smile.

"I guess. Don't really have much of a choice at this point, do I?" Jimin says, clearly trying to ease his nerves. I just give him a small smile, ruffling his hair gently and watching as he giggles softly, eyes lighting up and forming little eye smiles at the action. It truly is the sweetest thing ever whenever I do that, watching his adorable reaction to it and how much he seems to enjoy it. I'd do it all day to him if it meant seeing that cute smile and getting hear his beautiful laughter.

"You're gonna be amazing, Jiminie. You have nothing to worry about. I promise." I tell him softly. He sighs, biting his lip as he nods his head reluctantly at my words.

Minutes later, music is put on over the speakers, already making me want to get up to start dancing. However, I hang back a bit as Jimin seems to start dancing slowly, his movements seeming a tad unsure at first as he goes about them. Though, as the music continues playing, he seems to ease up a bit more, movements growing more and more fluid until he seems to nearly lose himself in the music as his body flows along with the melody.

I bite my lip, trying not to let my jaw hit the floor as I watch him. His movements are so fluid and strong, sureness now moving throughout his body. I just watch in amazement, awestruck by his dancing.

When the song finally ends, his movements slow down before coming to an end. It's only when there's a sudden round of applause that I realize I hadn't been the only one watching his beautiful dancing.

Jimin jumps slightly in surprise at the sudden loudness, the sound being a complete difference compared to the music playing. He quickly begins looking around, a panicked look in his eyes before they finally lock on me. However, instead of walking over to me, he bolts towards the door and runs out.

Eyes widening, I race out the door after him, the bags we'd brought with us now long forgotten. Looking around as I sprint outside, I spot him nearly a block away already. Shaking my head at him, I run as quickly as I possibly can, trying desperately to get to him before he's gone completely.

"Jimin, wait! Jiminie!" I shout after him, beginning to slowly gain some ground on him. He glances back at me before slowing down, suddenly collapsing to his knees. My eyes widen at the sight even more than they already had been, running even faster if possible to get to him.

When I finally reach him, it's only now that I realize he'd collapsed because of crying. Kneeling down next to him despite my heavy panting breath, I gently lay a hand on his back to start rubbing his back to comfort him gently. He cries even harder at the touch, seeming to lean into me a bit as he cries, curled up in a ball on the sidewalk.

"Shhhh. Jiminie, you're okay. Hush, you're safe, Jimin. You're okay. It's okay. You were amazing back there. You have nothing to be upset over and nothing to be shy over, Jimin. You're a beautiful dancer, okay? Shhhh. Calm down, Jiminie. You're okay. I promise, it's alright."

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