Damara's Deal

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It was time. After years of hurting and being scorned, Damara was ready. Ready to take revenge on those who had rejected her and made her what she was today. A lifetime of misunderstandings and twisted truths battered her until she snapped and whole-heartedly accepted her role. She was the witch, the whore, the bitch, and the psycho. All of these labels filled her mind until her personality was corrupted beyond repair. After being told something for so long, it would inevitably grow into the truth. And that was her truth, her life, and she would punish them for it.

All of them. The sea-bitch who had given her nothing but malicious words, the spider-girl who wouldn't stop telling her how to "fix" herself, the painted whore who got the respect Damara was never granted, the annoying mutant who went on and on about how she offended him, the disgusting greaser who wouldn't take no for an answer, the kitty-bitch who still got her prince, even after he hurt her, and the religious asshole who made a point not to talk to her, even when he could have. There was the skater-girl who called her rad, but then talked about Damara behind her back. She had her retard with her, another happy couple to remind Damara of how much pain she had endured. Then there was the pony-boy: that disgusting excuse for a troll who had stolen her matesprit. And Rufioh, who left her without a second thought. Though she held him only just as accountable as the others, Damara would take a special pleasure in watching him burn.

The circle was made. With flickering candles at each end of the five-pointed star, she traced a rust-colored oil across the floor, connecting the points. Damara stripped herself of her clothes and used the same oil to paint runes on her body. Her hair was let down from its usual bun, the needles kept in her hand. With determined strides she made her way to the middle of the pentagram. At her feet was a twitching mass stained with bronze blood. The mess marked the dead center of a roughly outlined gear: the symbol of her power. This symbol was also shared with the entity Damara was going to summon to her aid.

Nudging the dying fairy-bull aside with her foot, Damara raised her hands above her and began the ceremony. A sacrifice had already been made, it lay near the edge of the gear drawing it's last agonizing breaths. Damara pricked herself with the needles and watched as her maroon droplets fell to the floor, staining the gear and hopefully binding the demon to her. As Tinkerbull shuddered for the last time, Damara began to chant:

"Lord of Time,

I call to thee in my time of want

Reaper of death,

Answer my summons of worthy sacrifice.

Demon of hell,

I call on thee to my aid.

He of witch has harmed me bad,

now my vengeance shall pierce their hearts.

Lord take their tongues while they are still alive,

Lord take their eyes,

Lord seal their lips,

Lord pull their hair.

Demon take their fingers one by one,

Reaper take their lives,

Demon take their souls.

chain men of hell,

Drinkers of skin,

Demons of their past,

rip off their flesh

and boil their bones.

beat their brains,

scratch their hearts,

tear their ears.

Now as I say,

Lord English,

throw Them into the inferno

to burn forevermore."

As the last words fell from her lips, Damara was thrown violently backward by a harsh light erupting from the center of the pentagram. From the edge of the circle, Damara watched as the crack grew until it reached the outer limits of the figure, then it stopped. Harsh light continued to stream from the scratch, searing Damara's eyes, yet she couldn't seem to look away. Through the rays, a large silhouette was almost visible. The hulking form stretching and groaning, as if learning to work it's limbs and muscles.

Finally, the glare died down and Damara found herself looking up at an enormous green figure. They stared at each other for a time, it's ever-changing billiard-ball eyes boring into hers. Slowly, Damara stood up still facing this creature. It had actually worked, the spell she spent so much time searching for, it had actually worked. After so many failed attempts, Damara had almost given up on ever getting her justice, but now the time was here. Now it was her chance, it was her right.

She was going to make them pay.


And then he kills her, right? Well maybe not, assuming she did the ritual correctly. I found that online and modified it to fit the story better. Allow me to clarify now: this is NOT a continuation of the previous story. This one-shot stands on it's own, and probably won't be connected to any other chapter. The previous chapter WILL be continued, and I will be sure to make note of it when that happens. Expect it to be in the next 2-3 chapters. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this. Please vote comment, let me know what you think. -Devious_little_Devil

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