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Hey everyone, I'm back. Sorry for the delay, I really have no excuse, but I have a new story for you now! It's supposed to be a little more light hearted and funny, I just love cherub antics so here have some *aggressively shoves story at you*. As an added bonus, this story is actually about demons like it's supposed to be yayyyyy. Anyway, enjoy, comment, vote, whatever you feel like doing. Thanks for reading!

Caliborn fidgeted as he watched her. He was young, not so young that he didn't know what he was doing, but young enough to have difficulties sitting still. It didn't help that it took him a while to learn things, so even with an eternity he wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack.

Caliborn was a demon. Not a red-skinned-devil-horns type demon, (though he did know a few assholes who fit the bill) no, he was a top-of-the-line rule-them-all lordling. Caliborn would be a daemon lord someday, but right now he was busy.

Now some demons had to do grunt work, punish the "wicked" (or the "suckers" as Caliborn preferred to call them), or stir up trouble in the human world, but Caliborn was extremely important. He was the most important demon alive, he'd tell people, so they better watch out.

Well his dad was really the one they had to watch out for, but because Caliborn was the prince of all demons he was exempt from getting his hands dirty. Caliborn's dad did rule all the demons, a fact which Caliborn lorded over his underlings regularly. Some of the lesser daemons, which Caliborn dubbed "trolls", weren't very fond of him for this fact. Who gives a shit, Caliborn had no time for the haters. In fact, the haters could go get bent.

What Caliborn was occupied with now was Callie. Callie was a cambion, though she wasn't aware of it. As far as the young girl knew, she was human. In reality, she had a human mother and a demon father. Caliborn's demon father, to be precise. This made Callie his half-sister, though demons were proven to "not have DNA" (this is a lie that Caliborn made up), so they weren't really related at all.

Callie had a family already, a mom (who has some explaining to do), a (very clueless) dad, and an older brother who all thought she belonged to them. Well she didn't because Callie belonged to Caliborn. That's right, she was his and his only, or at least he'd like to think so. Maybe he should try actually talking to her first? Oh dear, he didn't seem to like that idea one bit.

"Hey a22hole"

Oh god, one of those trolls was trying to talk to him. Caliborn looked up from his computer screen, he didn't have time for this.

"2top ogling your 2ii2ter for two 2econd2 and get over here."

"SHE IS NOT MY SISTER," Caliborn did not feel like dealing with this troll. He didn't feel like dealing with any of the trolls because he had important business to attend to. This business may or may not have something to do with the live feed of the mostly human girl on the screen.

The troll in question happened to be quite good with technology, and had been able to fix up this computer for Caliborn to view the human world. Caliborn insisted that he had done most of the work though. If he wanted to, it would be quite simple for any demon to appear in the human world at any point, but Caliborn did not feel the need to "allow this human to gaze upon his awesomeness." A very unfortunate daemon had managed to roll her eyes completely out of her skull at this remark, but it was ok, she found them again.

"2eriiou2ly the meetiing ii2 2tarting 2oon."


"Fiine iit2 no 2kiin off my back."


"ii'm leaviing geez." The troll left with a sigh, his eyes stayed in his head so it was impossible to tell just what he did with them, and Caliborn was alone again. He was ok with being alone, he hated the rest of the assholes down here.

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