The solidification of our sisterhood is interrupted by Grant's presence. "Commander Lorn. Warrant Officer Coodi. Major White," he says, holding back his salute, "I have a report."

He kneels down to face me and Coodi on even levels. As soon as he seats himself, I notice the other VIPERs in my blurry peripherals. They're corralling the civilians into a circle around us. Some stand, some crouch down. They create a protective wall around me, Coodi, Grant, and Moyra. It's the first time I realize that Birgar is nowhere to be seen.

I am the sole commander of ARC10. I sit up from off Coodi's chest and fight the wave of dizziness. "Go ahead."

"Eighteen hostiles have been standing guard for days now. They don't move except sway back and forth a little bit. Because of this, there's no perceivable opening yet. While we outnumber them, they outweigh us. And they're armed."

I wince as I sit up farther.

Grant continues. "They are the bulk, not the brain. That's for sure."

"Good work, Grant." I feel better already. "Any other weaknesses?"

"They don't move their arms unless it's to lift their weapons. When they talk, they sway back and forth like their brains are shut off." He peers off to the side.

"What?" I prod. "What's wrong?"

"What gives me the jeebies is something Norbit brought up."

I detach myself completely from Coodi. Moyra moves closer to my arm, probably to catch me if I fall forward or tip too far to one side. I'm fine. I'm raging. My body obeys my fire. "Go on."

"The cows didn't kill us. Not on purpose. We took down nearly twenty of their kind but they didn't want to hurt a single one of us. Only a few, Birgar included, got caught in the crossfire. Why is that? Why are we dressed like this? Why are we all clean and shaved up?"

I don't like where this line of thinking is going.

"He's right." Knuckles says from his crouched place in the surrounding circle. "We're being prepared. Like meat for market."

"Don't panic," I say, eyeing the civilians in close proximity. "We don't know anything for sure, so let's not start jumping to conclusions."

Moyra beams at me. "Janika Lorn calmly considers the options rather than wildly throwing herself into speculative fervor?" She turns to Knuckles. "You might want to check her head again."

Knuckles plods over to me. "She truly does have brain damage, you idiot. She's going to be as useful as a smashed tomato if she doesn't start watching where she flings her damn skull." He kneels and grabs my face, holding my chin up while raising his index finger. "Follow the finger."

My eyes dart back and forth in pursuit of his test. "Your turn," I say and hold up my middle finger. "Follow this one."

He backs up. "It seems your charm has made it through the ordeal unscathed."

"How should we proceed, Commander?" Grant prepares to stand.

"See if you can discover who the bulls report to. Keep searching for more weakness. Where they keep their racks. How to use their weapons. What vehicles are close by." I pull myself out of Coodi and Knuckles' reach and sit on my own in the middle of the circle the bodies of civs have made for us. I sit up straight on my own and immediately, a wave of dizziness slams me. "Have a few more try to understand this contraption they've got us in. It looks like an enormous glass box, but I can't imagine they'd really keep us in something so fragile. Have someone test it."

"Aye-aye, Commander."

Coodi, Knuckles, and Moyra watch me as if I were a time-bomb on its last few seconds — like I'm ready to explode into a million pieces. I don't want to be taken care of. I'm done with being fragile.

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