The one that almost got away

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Niall p.o.v.

I was walking out back alone to get some fresh air to thing about how I was going to her. I'm so nervous. then I saw her again I yelled "Hey" she looked around "Me?" she called out in this beautiful soft voice i fell in love with instantly. "Yes whats you're name gorgeous?" She looked up at me with a sparkle in her eye "Y/N" "Its as beautiful as you are" I said with a whisper. She looked at me "Niall why are you looking for me I can't be that superstar girl you need  I'm sorry but I can't be with you I can't do this i'm not cut out for it" I looked up she was walking away I ran after "Y/N wait! I'm not looking for a superstar I'm looking for you Y/N" she looked back for a moment and kept going I wouldn't give up that easy I grabbed her by the waist dipped her my lips crashing against hers "See I don't need a superstar I need you Y/N"

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