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It was Easter morning and you heard you two kids running tord your door you hear it fly open then four little feet jumping up and down. You hear "mommy daddy!!" "wake up the Easter bunny came I see his foot prints on the floor!!!" You look over at Niall he smiles he kisses you and then you pick up the kids and take them down stairs. You put your son and daughter down they run over to their baskets and you see there is on for you. You open it there is a whole bunch of free hugs and free kisses you smile and hand him a free kiss card. "Babe don't uses them all in one day" "Niall I can if I want you'll still do it." The kids finished with the Easter egg hint and then the door bell rings. Its Zyan Liam Louis and Harry the kids freak out and jump on all of them. The guys hand the kids huge teddy bears as big as you. You smile and all sit down for Easter dinner.

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