Dont wake mommy

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You strech your arms out to rap them around Niall and you cant find him you open your eyes just a little and you see Niall walking around with your son in his arms looking for the babys binkey. He is tossing chothes and blankets all around your room you here the baby get even more fussy he bounces the baby lightly in his arms and your son still wont calm down so he whispers to you son "Maybe we should wake mommy" you smile and feel a light shake "Babe i need help" you open your eyes all the way and ask whats wrong. "(Y/N) where is his binkey?" you take the baby and point to the dresser he laughs and grabbes it and you Niall and your son all go back to bed.

Niall Horan Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن