4. Mirkwoods second breakfast

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Hey guys, so so sorry for not updating in about 4 months. My life has been a mess honestly, back on track now though so that's good I guess. I should be doing homework rn but oh well. Also how regularly do people update chapters on this app on average? Anyway, enjoy this chapter Xx


I quickly lept forward and caught Hecate in my arms after she had fainted. I knelt on the ground with her resting on my lap as I checked for her breathing and heatbeat, after I was content that she was okay I noticed just how beautiful she really was. Before I would look at her but I could never actually take the time to truly appreciate all her features.she certainly wasn't a purely blood elf but those few marks on her skin made unique and stand out from any elf I have ever seen.

I quickly rose again with her in my arms hoping no maids had seen, I continued walking till I reached her chambers. I opens the door and shut it behind me so no one would see me. I layed her down on her bed which caused her hair to drape over her face. I sat on the edge of her bed and pushed her golden brown locks off her face and behind her ears. The moonlight made her features seem as if she were a goddess, a glow coming off her. She had defined cheekbones but still soft.

I realised the position I was in and quickly hopped off her bed, what had gotten into me? I walked over to her balcony and closed the doors over just allowing a slight breeze to wash through the room. I grabbed a blanket from the end of the bed and layed it over her peaceful sleeping form before heading to her door. I took one last glance at her before leaving, oh what my Ada would do to me if knew what feelings I had already grown for the elf. He most certainly wouldn't approve not to meantion the fact that that she isn't a full elf. Either way tis now my mission to get to know the mysterious maiden.

~3rd person~

Little did Legolas know that the Elleth he had been gazing at had started to wake up. As she opened her eyes she found herself looking at Legolas who was shutting her balcony doors, she started to remember what happened before she woke. She blushed slightly realizing he had carried her to her room. She shut her eyes as she felt him lay a blanket over her form. A knot had tied itself in her stomach as she felt him push the blanket to her sides.

Legolas was more so using the opportunity to protect and touch her peaceful form. There was no real need to tuck her in the way he did but he wasn't going to let that moment slip away.

She then let sleep overtake her as she felt his hands lingering at her sides before he left the room.


I awoke with a new buzz of energy, I met Ada and Bilbo for breakfast. Hecate was no where in sight which did not go unnoticed by Ada.

"Have either of you seen Hecate this morning?" Ada questioned raising an eyebrow

Frodo simply shrugged his shoulders and continue to devour his second plate of food meanwhile myself and Ada had barely eaten half of our first, Hobbits...

"Hecate fainted whilst I was escorting her to her chambers last night, I continued to carry her. He breathing and heart rate was healthy so she would most likely simply be tired." I responded making sure to not include any information that would raise question to Ada.

I looked up taking another mouthful to find Ada staring at me. Panic started to threaten to speed across my stoic face.

"Legolas, I hope you would be able to take Hecate with you today. She isn't from anywhere near here which I am sure you have already realised already. Answer any questions she has. I'm afraid Frodo here will be useless in that respect and I have business to attend to today." Ada told me rather than asking, not that I had any complaints.

"Of course, I shall give her a tour as well." I replied with a smile that have overcome the barrier of my stoic face.

No sooner did I say those words a cheerful voice sounded from behind me

"By this stage a tour could be cleaning the stables and I would still be in awe." Hecate giggled, I would be lying if I said that laugh didn't make my heart beat faster.

Hecate sat beside me and filled her plate, I put some of my favorites on her plate seeing as she didn't know what many of the foods where. Frodo bumpy this stage had finished his 3rd plate, it wad almost impressive.

I kept sneaking glances at Hecate throughout breakfast, I looked up and saw my Ada smirking at me with a knowing look. I instantly felt the tips of my ears go red. I was surprised to say the least, he seemed... Happy? Why would he be happy about me having feelings for a Elleth who isn't pure of blood, there must be something I don't know about. I shall find out today.


I was seated by Legolas for breakfast and still giddy from him looking after me last night, now to find out I will be spending the day with him just encouraged that feeling. Legolas started putting peculiar foods I had never seen before on my plate.

Breakfast was amazing and Frodo kept me in conversation the whole time about the wonders of second breakfast and that I would be best friends with a friend of his called Pippin. I tried to focus as best I could but I could often feel eyes staring at me, I knew it was Legolas which just made a blush creep on my cheeks. The thought of his ocean blue eyes boring into me sent shivers down my spine.

This is going to be the best yet most nerve wrecking day of my life.

Hope you enjoyed guys, I was going to put the tour in this chapter but I wanted to keep that for its own chapter because I know it will be a long one. Also please let me know of any ways to improve my writing, cheers guys Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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