3. A night to remember

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Enjoy guys Xx


After I was done marveling at the craftsmanship of the bed I looked up to see a table with a mirror above it. As I approached I saw my reflection, I was beautiful and hideous at the same time. I was covered in dirt and grime from my fall earlier in the day, sadly the water didn't take care of that. However, being an elf had made my self esteem raise a bit. I made it my mission to find a bath before dinner.

I was panicking about leaving my room to find help until I realised that my room was more of a suite and had a bathroom. I really need to stop over thinking things...

I turned on the tap and started to undress the bath tub itself was made out of a purple crystal, Amethist I assume. It was a beauty of the earth. I dipped my toe in and was instantly relaxed by the water. I washed the dirt off of me and that's when it hit... The kings first impression was of me covered in mud looking around the place like a lost puppy, scratch that, a lost puppy with dementia.

I was sad to get out, the water calmed my mind. At least it gave me time to ponder everything, I guess I was ready for a new chapter in my life.

I picked up my dirty clothes and headed back to the bedroom to put them on. I was surprised to see a dress layed out on the bed. The King must have sent me it. It was overwhelming to say the least, im usually not a dress person but this was an exception. I quickly put it on. The dress was navy blue and hugged my curves, hanging loosely off the hips. It had golden glitter that started at the bottom and dispersed into nothing as it reached my waist. The sleeves were extremely baggy and tightened around my wrist, it was a sheer navy blue that you could seem my arms through.

I was thankful for my 'elf hair' that dried within minuets. I decided to just let it hang down my back and tucked it behind my ear on one side. I was admiring myself in the mirror until I heard a womans voice from outside my door.

"My lady, dinner is in 5 minuets. I would make my way down soon." The voice said cheerfully.

"Okay, thank you." I called out before I realised I didn't know where the dining hall was. Great. Just. Great.

I decided to run after her to get directions, no sooner did I open the door did I run straight into a tall blonde elf. I had managed to knock us both over.


Ada (father) had told me earlier that we would have guests at dinner tonight but would not tell me who, he seemed to be quite excited by it which was strange for my father.

I heard down the hall one of the maids say to someone what dinner was in 5minuets. I started to walk down the hall but collided with an Elleth who was running.

"I am sorry my lady, did I hurt you?" I questioned as I walked over to help her up, she seemed startled.

"Nonsense, im the one who is sorry, I was the one who ran into you after all. I am fine, thank you for asking." She smiled gleefully as she took my hand as support as she stood.

Her eyes were so dark that they might as well have been wood after a wild fire, in a good way. She had wavey brown hair that went down to her mid-back. Her skin was olive and tan that shone in the dusk. She was short for an elf, a head shorter than myself at least. She was wearing a navy blue dress that made her look even more mysterious.

"I wouldn't suppose you know the way to the dining hall would you?" She asked

She musn't know who I am, how strange. I like it that way, I get treated like an equal.

"I only know the way if I know thy name of my attacker." I said sarcastically, arching my brows.

"Ha ha very funny... My name is Hecate." She was trying to hide it but I could see a smirk on her face.

"Well then Lady Hecate, please allow me to escort you." I responded with a victorious grin on my face.

"Only if you drop the 'Lady' and tell me the name of my victim." She retorted, my grin grew.

"Well met, I am Legolas." I said swiftly, hoping she wouldn't ask further just yet.

We walked in a comfortable silence on the way to the dining hall, most of the way her jaw was dropped taking in every detail of Mirkwood that she possibly could. I will always find my home admirable but seeing her react to it for the first time gave it a new light, I took it in with her.

We reached the hall and a hobbit came running at me, we embraced getting a look of confusion from Hecate.

"Tis been too long Mellon nín (my friend)." I said whilst I ruffled his hair making him give me a playful smile whilst nodding.

"I see you have met my friend Hecate. I hope she didn't cause you any trouble, she can be a handful at times." He laughed giving her a smile full of mischief. Her eyes just widened as she giggled nervously.

"Aye, she made quite a... Powerful first impression." I gave her a knowing look, she simply rolled her eyes.

She walked over to my father and bowed.

"My King, thank you for the dress and your hospitality, you are too kind."

"Please rise, you bow to no one. You are very welcome, Tis the least I can do for now." They smiled at each other.

It was strange for me, ada rarely genuinely smiled at people.

"Now, let us feast to new beginnings." Ada said in his powerful almost demanding voice.



I shouted at myself in my head, I could keep a tally at this point of all the ways I embarrassed myself.

As we sat down to eat Legolas sat across from me. He had long platinum blonde hair that just went over his shoulders, his eyes like if the ocean was hit by lightning. He looked so soft yet so strong at the same time. His skin was pale yet full of life.

We talked about how Frodo and Legolas knew each other and then about how Frodo found me. The King, who now requested me to call him Thranduil shook his head in disappointment after finding out that it took 21years till Frodo recognized me.

I was mentally drained from today and Legolas must have picked up on it.

"I think Hecate needs to rest, I shall escort her back to her room." Legolas announced, I went to object but he was already at my side waiting for me to take his hand.

We walked in a comfortable silence, he knew I needed to just be with my thoughts. After a while I started to feel a bit light headed.

"Legolas, I-I thin-k im going... To... Faint." I got out whilst starting to stumble, his faced filled with worry. I felt him pick me up before I hit the ground, lights out for me.

Hey guys, sorry for the bad chapter. Im aware it's not very good. Im very sleep deprived but wanted to update soooo... Yeah. Half way through I nearly changed my mind on their first encounter but I was too tired to. I promise the next chapter will be good, im excited for it. Again, sorry... Im not even thinking straight rn. So goodnight I guess haha.

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