1. Lost Princess Returned

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This story is written from the perspective of different characters throughout so if you see
-(characters name)-
That is the character that is currently talking.
Also this first chapter is kind of slow, it's an introduction for you to understand what's going on in Hecates head, the next chapter will be a lot more interesting seeing as we will be in Mirkwood, I hope you enjoy.


I fumbled around trying to hit the off button on my alarm, Monday already. I rub my eyes as they adjust to the dim light shining through the curtain. I force myself out of bed, I've never been a morning person, I've always loved the night. My apartment is quite small, big enough to be content with but small enough to damage your mental state.
CRAP! 7:30am! I must have slept through my first alarm. I start to madly rush around to make myself slightly presentable for my legal studies lecture. I ran out the door without even eating which is not like me.

After the train ride I have arrived at Uni just in time, now to find Fro. Fro has been my best friend since, diapers! I've always called him Fro because when he brushes his hair his ringlets turn into a frizzy afro.

"Hey Hecate, over here!"

I turn around to see Fro eagerly gesturing for me to come sit beside him before his crazy stalker does.

"Good morning to you too Fro" I chuckled as I sat down.

"Sorry, It's just you know what she's like" He said as he glanced over his shoulder to her waving so intensely she might have pulled a muscle in her hand.

"I was wondering if you might want to go to the creek after this?" I asked him.

"I mean sure but why? You've never wanted to go anywhere near water when I've asked before."

"I have to show you something..." I hesitated.

The lecture was long and boring, people always say to find your passion and do it for your job but I've never found my passion so here I am, studying law...

Fro and I hopped in the car and I drove us down to the creek near our estate. We got out and I could tell Fro was going through a million possibilities in his head of what I was going to show him.

"Fro...when I show you this you need to promise me you won't freak out." I warned.

"Nothing you could do would ever make me freak out trust me, I've seen a lot, I-"

Before he could finish his sentence I made some water fly into the air whilst doing movement that looked like something you would learn at a very complicated martial arts class. I dropped the water back down and let it flow down stream, I slowly looked up to make eye contact with Fro waiting for him to start having a panic attack. I was very wrong in my assumption, HE WAS SMILING!

"Stop smiling, you're making me freak out now, why are you smiling?!"

Fros smile just widened, he wrapped me in for the tightest hug I had ever had.

"You're alive, YOU'RE ALIVE!" He sung cheerfully.

"No shit sherlock" I replied.

"I cannot believe that after all this time I have been by your side that I have only just realised who you are." Fro held me at arms length with a mixture of happiness and and sorrow on his face.

"We are from another realm Hecate, I cannot believe I didn't join the dots, I mean how many people have the name Hecate!?" Fro said partiality to himself

"You are starting to scare me Fro, what do you mean 'other realm', what sort of metaphors are you using?" My heartbeat started to rise.

"There is no metaphor, this is going to be a lot to process so I won't explain much yet but you are not who you think you are. You are an Elf from Middle earth who was kidnapped as a baby, you're father is called Aragorn who is king of Arnor and Gondor. He never stopped the search for you!" Fro blurted.

I just stared at Fro for a while looking into his big blue eyes then started hysterically laughing.

"Well I guess I will just have to show you." He sighed with a slight smirk on his face.

I started to feel the rush of power course rise through my veins as Fro and I both start glowing then it stopped. Without realising I had closer my eyes from the light.

"Fro, FRO, where are you?" I started to panic.

"Down here!" This voice called out.

I looked down to see Fro who was about 3ft tall looking up at me, he had abnormally large feet and slightly big ears. His hair was as curly as ever with that dark chocolate colour and his eyes on his now tiny body looked even bigger.

"Where we come from people call me Frodo, I'm a Hobbit." He said cheerfully.

I just stood there dumbfounded, unable to move, my jaw dropped.

"If you still don't believe me look at your reflection." He smirked.

I stumbled over to the creeks edge, my head spinning. My feature still looked like me just more... Powerful. My.. My ears, my ears were pointy and I was a fair amount taller than I had been before. I was wearing a blue tunic and blue pants that were lined with gold.

"Okay, I believe you." I exhaled

"Good, I believe your father is in Mirkwood so that is where we are headed."

He mutters some words I have never heard before and opens a gateway resembling a portal, we jump through.

Sorry about the slow start guys, the next chapter will be interesting seeing as Hecate and Frodo have arrived at Mirkwood.

Twilight Forest (Legolas love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن