2. Amber gates of Mirkwood

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I tumbled down a hill at contact with the ground. I had no control of myself and crashed into a tree. I heard a snap but because of the adrenaline running through my veins I didn't realise it was my arm that had made that sound.

"HECATE!" Frodo yelled as he ran down the hill to me, he had obviously traveled like this many times before.

"Im fine!" I replied. Whilst going to push myself up the bone that had snapped pieced through my skin letting blood gush out staining the Autumn leaves Crimson. I screamed in pain trying to process what just happened, Frodo came to my side.

"Come, the water..will h-heal you." He replied with a trembling voice.

I stumbled towards the river that was a few meters away from the tree. Frodo held my waist up, it was a kind gesture but didn't help in the slightest.

"Now what" I demanded not meaning to lash out at him, the pain was controlling me.

"Put your hand in the water" he urged in a calm tone obviously understanding why I yelled at him.

As my hand got closer and closer to the water all sounds became mute around me, no birds, no trees rustling in the wind... Just myself and the flowing water. My hand made contact with the water and I let out a moan of relief as the water traveled up my forearm, circling around it in patterns. The blood stopped gushing out of my arm and the bone returned to it's place. I watched in wonder as the skin reconnected and the scar disappeared. It was silent and peaceful until...
"I was really hoping that was going to work!" Frodo sighed laughing.


Frodo looked down at his feet frowning.

"I- I'm sorry Fro, I'm just scared, I didn't mean to take in out on you." I stuttered.

"Don't be, I could only imagine what is going on in your head right now." He smiled at me knowingly.

"Come on, we must start our trip to Mirkwood now or we will have to camp the night." Frodo straightened up offering me his hand. Before I could clasp it he pull it away giggling. I simply replied with a fake laugh and swung my foot around hitting his ankle and bringing him to the ground.

"Some things never change, no matter the dimension." Frodo rose, wiping the dirt off his elbows pretending to be disgusted.

He picked a long bit of grass and folded it, he brought it to his lips and blew creating a tune that filled the air as if it were a beam of light. He turned to me and smirked at the fact my jaw was dropped as a brown stallion galloped up to us, it's hair like marble, white and black streaks intertwined glistening in the light.

"Her name is Caladwen, meaning light. King Thranduil gave her to me as thanks after the 'the war of the ring' as I like to call it."

"She's beauti- wait... As thanks? Y-you helped in a war." I said it as a statement trying to get my head around the fact that my best friend who wouldn't hurt a fly fought in a war but he took it as a question.

"I will explain it all later, although, I feel like you should have someone else explain everything to you because I don't know that much about all your elf-history, I'm from the shire after all." He smirked

Frodo extended a hand to help me up and i took it, we rode for at least two hours before the sun-kissed autumn leaves turned into a thick roof of leaves. Little to no sunlight was able to penetrate through.

"We are now in Mirkwood." Frodo announced, uneasy.

Caladwen started to get excited, she was near home.

"Easy girl, we musn't leave the path." Frodo whispered into her ear, I could get used to my elf-ears.

"Why can we not leave the path?" I said with genuine curiosity.

"Once you leave the path there is no finding it again, there are tales. Men being driven mad just wandering in circles, the lack of sunlight doesn't help." Frodo shuddered.

"Holt, who are you?" A voice from behind us demands.

I instantly felt my heart rate go up as I turn around to face him, he was an elfish guard with brown hair and black eyes.

"My name is Frodo and this-"

He was cut off by the guard.

"Frodo Baggins! I am awfully sorry for my actions, would you like me to escort the two of you? Im sure the King will be very pleased to see you." He smiled, a little startled at first.

"That would be lovely." I replied.

We approached a gate as tall as a double story house at least. It was made of a material that seemed like amber but obviously a lot stronger. The gate was full of intricate patterns which bent the light leaving a golden glow around it, one of the few places light reached come to think of it. The gates opened and a Elloth took Caladwen to the stables.

We were lead to what seemed like a magical castle, which, well, I guess it was. The paths were not paths but thick branches winding around the place like a maze. It was beautiful to say the least, unlike anything I had ever seen before. The details were astounding, I was in awe.

We were lead into the throne room which gave me chills, I went from nearly sleeping during a lecture to standing as an elf about to meet the King. As we got close I could see his figure clearly, my eyes adjusting to the lighting. He was tall with long silvery white hair draped across his shoulders that went to his mid-back. He had pale skin and a powerful posture. He sat on a throne with antlers which just made him all the more intimidating. He quickly glanced up, his eyes- full of pain, it was obvious he had been through a lot in his life.

"Lady Eda, I warned you if you came back again I would have guards escort you out, I do not care how many carrots the rabbits have eaten, that is your problem." He sighed leaning his head against the throne looking up to the roof of leaves.

"I am sorry my King." Frodo smirked as he put on the voice of a dying lady.

"Frodo, well met, it has been long." The King inclined his head with a smile as he walked over to us.

"Who is this?" The King tilted his head pondering.

"Oh! This is Hecate, she is the Morningstar." Frodo said the last part in a whisper but I still heard him, I decided against asking about it for now.

"Well met, stay here as long as you want, I will have a maid lead you to your rooms, please join me for dinner." The King had a smile in his eyes this time compared to just his mouth.

A maid lead me up a maze of stairs to a wondrous room full of earthly colours of greens and browns yet the light shining off the flowers outside made the room rainbow. I thanked her and she left. I traced my fingered along the delicate carved wooden bed-head, 'I could get used to this' I thought to myself.

Lets see who is at dinner *wink*
Hope you enjoyed chapter two xx

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