He has no silver scales anywhere

Is this a defect?

also one of his wings are shredded a bit making it a little difficult for flight at times. His expression used to blank 24/7 but as the years go on with time spent with his mate he has tended to look more kinder and grins from time to time

Okay, I suppose.

a few of his neck scales were ripped off so there is skin instead of his scales

I... don't think dragons have skin beneath their scales. Pretty sure his scales IS his skin, so it'd probably look more like raw scars where the scales were ripped off.

Okay, so you're missing a lot of things, namely his eye color, scale color (NightWings' scales are more interesting than just "black," there's usually some tones of blue or purple or grey or something in there), some interesting details, maybe accessories? His weight and height are also missing, there's just... a lot that you're missing in the appearance.

Personality: when he was younger and a younge adult he forced his external appearance to be blank he got the nick name stone face by his friends because durring fights he seemed detached

Okay? I guess? This doesn't really tell me his personality that much.

But as time went on he started to Express extreme kindness but he will from time to time get extremely egressove go anyone who isnt his family well close family (disturbing part coming up) but once he mate was raped his self doubt became even more evident

Okay so

— extreme kindness

— detached

— self doubt?

— Extreme aggression sometimes?

Is he bipolar or? Also, you NEED to flesh out your character. Like what even is this? There's not enough traits at all and it seems really vague. I don't know what kind of dragon he is.

Backstory: if you read his secound book it explains how he came to becoming a orphan and forced into a program were he was trained for basically assignations but no restraints and pushed to the edges everyday.

Why? How? I assume you mean assassinations. Who trained him? In the book Assassin, they made it pretty clear that there was literally only one dragon capable of teaching assassination, and that was Quickstrike, and then it was Deathbringer; there's no way this could coincide with canon because this is too far-fetched for it to be anything but an alternate universe.

So, this program is... downright impossible for coinciding with the canon universe. I recommend an alternate universe.

But also was tested on when ever one was needed.

What? Why? That makes no sense. Why would someone go through all this trouble to make this great assassin only to risk his health by "testing" on him?

When he was sent on his third or so mission him and his "squad"/friends got caught by a group of icewings (the ones who ran into Clay's siblings) they got unlucky and were to overwhelmed all 4 of his friends were killed. Not realizing he could just leave and stopped he finished his mission then spent the next 11 years or so doing assignations or what ever else was needed (like attacking outposts of tribes and making it look like another tribe did it). He was off the island when it exploded. So he went a few months carrying out pre ordered assassinations (it was mostly now small time assassinations like crime leaders and such. He was eventually caught and pardoned.

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