Chapter Ten: Part 1 of the Plan

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A/N One quick thing: When Keith/H4des is in the loyalty center, imagine him wearing the suit that he wore for the Trials of Marmora in Season 2. Enjoy the chapter!

Keith woke up, his vision blurred into view of a very small room. He also felt something very tight wrapped around his head, and realized that what he was seeing now wasn't the real world. He was trapped inside the OASIS. All he had to do was take the goggles, or helmet in this case, off of his head. 

The problem was, he couldn't. It was completely strapped onto his head, as if an automatic lock. A Galra guard saw him trying to do so, telling him to get to work. When H4des just gave him a confused look in return, the guard zapped him, and Keith could feel it in the real world. Work violation ringed in his ears and he just grunted in pain. He was in the loyalty center, with no way of getting out.

H4des grabbed a pile of quintessence and carried it to the placements that the guard told him to, which was every 60 feet. He heard another guard yell at another prisoner, wearing the same suit as he was, but that person was zapped, but he heard that prisoner yelp in worse pain. Almost as if he has had to deal with this much longer then he should've. H4des felt his face form a scowl, no one deserves this. But the for the time being, there was nothing he could do.


"So what is this challenge, some kind of video game thing?" Zarkon asked the a soldier the moment he walked into the OASIS. 

"An Atari 2600, sir," The soldier told him. "And any game ever made for it, a thousand different possiblities."

They both watched as the next person fell through the ice, as a sign that they had lost. Zarkon scoffed at the sight. "Alfor," He rolled his eyes. "This is how you plan to resolve the fate of the world's most important economic resource?" He spoke to himself before turning to leave once again. "Call me when you get close."

Zarkon met up with SendAk at another part of the castle, a soldier next to him holding a chest that contained something rather important, to make sure none of the Gunters, or rather Voltron, try to get in and play the games. 

"SendAk, is the orb ready?" He spoke firmly. The furry avatar opened the chest, which revealed a level 99 protection orb, and very few people in the entire OASIS knew how to cast it. 

Even though Zarkon was the technical owner of said orb, SendAk was the only one who knew the  actual magical words in order to actually cast the spell. The businessman left the balcony, leaving own of his most loyal to it. SendAk told the soldier to turn around, so they wouldn't be able to actually do anything with it. 

The owner of the Galra Empire smirked when the orb cast a protective shield, covering the entire castle, which Keith down below noticed. There was no way for him to leave for sure now, at least inside the OASIS. 


After Zarkon left the virtual place, someone had pulled off his goggles while he sat in his chair. Sitting up, he found Lance and Takashi Shirogane pointing guns at him. A teenager and an adult with guns? That might not end well.

"Where is he?" Lance spoke in a very low voice, a tint of rage coming from his voice.

"How did you get in-"

"You heard me! Keith Kogane, where is he!" He said again. This man kidnapped the boy he loved, it shouldn't come as a surprise that he's angry. 

Zarkon cleared his throat, leaning forward in the large circular chair. "If you want to talk, we can talk, just put the gun down."

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