Chapter five:

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After the initial shock of number 5 being in fact alive and well we all followed him down into the kitchen.

"What's the date?" 5 Asked opening a cupboard and grabbing a loaf of bread.

"The 24th," Vanya said as I sat in one of the kitchen chairs putting my head in my hands.

"Of what?" 5 asked impatiently taking two pieces of bread out of the bag and a butter knife.

"March." I mumble trying to rub the headache I could feel away. Noticing a hand on my shoulder I look up and see Diego looking at me in worry. Giving him a small smile I turn my attention back to 5 hoping to get some much needed answers.

"So, are we going to talk about what happened? It's been 17 years?" Luther questioned as Klaus jumped up onto the table, sitting in front of me.

"Its been longer then that." 5 Scoffed morphing through Luther in order to get the peanut butter.

"I have not missed that." Luther admits slightly shivering at the feeling.

"Where did you go?" Vanya questions in curiosity.

"The future, it's shit by the way," 5 explained picking up the sandwich and taking a bite.

"Called it." Both me and Klaus mutter causing me to look at him weirdly.

"I should've listened to the old man, you know, jumping through space is one thing but jumping through time, that's a role of the dice." 5 explains before turning back round to Klaus, "Nice dress by the way."

"Oh, well , Danke" Klaus replies with a smile pulling the hem of the skirt and playing with it.

"Wait hold up, how did you get back?" I grumble out rubbing my tender head.

"In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time." 5 explains resulting in a few confused looks.

"That makes no sense." Diego states going to the sink and getting a glass of water.

"It would if you were smarter." 5 retaliates causing me to grab Diego's arm to stop him punching a 13 year old.

"How long were you there?" Allison questions.

"Forty-five years. Give or take." 5 off handily states.

"Wait so are you saying your 58?" Diego says in disbelief handing me the cool water.

"No my consciousness is 58." 5 starts to explain however my body seems to be 13 again" He gestures towards his body.

"Wait how does that even work?" Luther asks raising an eyebrow.

"Delores kept saying the equations were off." 5 mutters to himself pacing up and down the table. "Bet she is laughing now," He laughs.

"Delores?" Vanya questions in confusion.

"Guess I missed the funeral." 5 says completely ignoring Vanya's question and instead looking at todays newspaper.

"How did you know about that?" Luther once again questions not understanding or believing him.

"What part of the future do you not understand!" 5 exclaims causing me to let out a small chuckle at Luthers lost face. "Heart failure eeeey?" 5 says after a moment.

"Yeah-No," Both Luther and Diego say at the same time making me roll my eyes at their childish behaviour.

"Hmmm nice to see nothings changed." 5 tuts before walking out of the kitchen.

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