Day 25 (The Kohn Family)

Start from the beginning

"Do we HAVE to go?"

"No. But it's a good idea. You'll eventually die if you stay." A couple of beats passed. "Are there any other questions?"

"Can I bring my things with me?" asked Leslie.

"Yes. Bring two changes of clothes and some personal items. But try to pack light. Also, you should bring all your food with you as well."

"Fine," grumbled Ted. "Let's pack our shit 'n' go."

Leslie was done first, having packed her clothes and personal items inside her school backpack. The rest of her family took a half hour to pack their "shit". And they had to bicker with each other about it the whole time. To help move things along, Uncle Peter, Leslie, and I bagged up what food they had. Then Uncle Peter and I carried the bags out to the truck.

When we came back, Ted handed me a trash bag full of clothes and Uncle Peter two rifles in gun bags.

"Why are you bringing guns?!" Uncle Peter asked.

"You tolds us we could bring personal items. What's more personal than a man's guns?!"

"You won't need guns." miffed Uncle Peter setting them on the couch, "Just leave them here where they'll be safe."

"We need them for protection!"

Thelma walked in, carrying a large crate packed with cartons of cigarettes. "I told you not to bring those guns!!" she screeched, shoving the cigarettes into Uncle Peter's arms. "Why don't ya listen?!" Uncle Peter sighed and carried the crate of cigarettes to the truck. I follow with the bag of clothes.

When we came back, Steve was waiting for us with a huge, overflowing box. He plopped it at my feet without saying a word.

"Do you really need to bring so much shit?!" yelled Thelma as she shoved a slightly smaller box of her own into my arms. I said nothing, but just carried the box to the truck.

Once again Ted insisted we bring his guns. "Fine," sighed Uncle Peter. "We'll bring them. Do you have any other guns in the house?"

"No. Why?"

"Just checking." We carried the guns and the last box of stuff to the truck, then hurried back. "It's time to load you folks up," announced Uncle Peter. "Leslie, you're the smallest. Why don't we carry you out first?"

"Okay," she answered, obviously apprehensive. Uncle Peter was about to lift her. "Wait!" she insisted at the last second. "I forgot something VERY important." She ran to her room and came back with her long, black hair pulled back in a purple scrunchie. "NOW I'm ready."

Uncle Peter picked Leslie up and carried her out. When he stepped over the threshold, Leslie's body started to convulse with her arms and legs jerking spasmodically.

"What's the matter with her!?" screeched Thelma.

"Why's she actin' like a retard?!" jeered Steve.

Uncle Peter ignored these stupid questions and continued to carry Leslie across the lawn to the truck. I helped to place the poor girl in the passenger seat and buckle her in. Then Uncle Peter told me to get into the cab with Leslie.

"I'll come get you in a minute!" shouted Uncle Peter to Leslie's family as he walked to the truck's back. "First, I need to rearrange some things to make room!"

Ted, Thelma, and Steve watched as Uncle Peter stacked their things on the curb.

Then he slid behind the wheel, cranked the engine over, and drove off.

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