Day 23 (Jimmy and Nichole)

Start from the beginning


Bryce was VERY happy to see our vehicles pull up. In his enthusiasm to greet us, Bryce ripped through the thin mesh of Lenny and Randy's screen door. He bounded out of the house to shower us with affection and saliva.

Bryce was still all happy-faced and filled with goofy energy by the time Uncle Peter and I entered Lenny and Randy's house. We packed their stuff, then returned for them. The second Lenny and Randy were carried from the house, they were crippled with anxiety. Their eyes bulged, and their bodies quaked.

We quickly moved to our next stop...


We pulled into the driveway of Uncle Peter's mother-in-law's rusty trailer home. Samber, Bryce, and I got out. Frank stayed in his car.

"Over here!" shouted a nondescript man waving from across the street. "Please help!" ("Nondescript" was not really fair; I'm sure he was easy to descript. But I was tired at the time and did not feel the need to memorize his features. However I do remember he wore a green hat.) Uncle Peter gave him a noncommittal wave, hoping that would shut him up.

Uncle Peter and I entered his mother-in-law's small trailer. The inside was cluttered with gaudy knickknacks and tattered furniture. Penny had six indoor cats. So everything was covered with fur and reeked of piss.

Penny was uneducated, uncultured, and rarely read. She spoke slowly. Her voice was thin, wishy-washy, and whiny, possessing neither confidence nor conviction.

Uncle Peter gave Penny a hurried update and the gist of his plan. He also explained we had to hurry because Lenny and Randy were suffering in the driveway.

"There's a problem..." whined Penny "...I only have one cat carrier."

"What?..." balked Uncle Peter, "No. You can't bring your cats. There might not be enough food. We can't spend resources on pets."

"But... Samber has her dog."

"Bryce is a WORK dog. Cats don't work."

"But Peter, my cats will run out of food and die."

"Leave the door open, so they can get their own food."

"But Browny and Socks have never been outside. They wouldn't—"

"I don't care!!" he snapped. "No cats! We don't have time to argue!"

In the distance, we could hear the man with the green hat yelling, "You there! Can you come here, please!? I need help!"

"Hear that man outside, Penny?!" Fumed Uncle Peter, "That man is going to die. He will die because I don't have time and resources to save him. He's a HUMAN. If I'm not going to save HIM, then I'm sure as fuck not going to save your cats. Understand?"

"But I can't leave my kitties." She started to cry.

"Yes, you can. Decide now. Come to Elwood's, or stay here and die?"

"But.... but..." she blubbered. "I don't... but..."

"Tic-toc, Penny," scowled Uncle Peter tapping a pantomime wrist watch. "Lenny and Randy are suffering while we're talking about this."

"Okay," she squeaked.

"Good. Select two sets of clothes and a few personal items. Meanwhile, Samber and I'll box up your food and load it in the truck. Please hurry."

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