Day 21 (Is That You?)

Start from the beginning

"Can an African elephant survive in North America?" I asked as we drove away.

"Right now, I'm more concerned about OUR survival."


Uncle Peter eased into a parking spot near the Museum's entrance.

"Be careful when we get inside," I warned. "There's a crazy man in there who tried to kill me. He was trapped in the sub-basement, but it's possible he escaped."

Uncle Peter smirked. "You shouldn't joke about such things."

"Do I look like I'm joking?..." I pulled my head back so he could see my dour expression. "...That's why I carry this pepper spray."

Uncle Peter's smirk vanished. "If that's the case, perhaps I should carry the pepper spray."

I didn't like the sound of that; I wanted to keep my weapon. "You haven't been instructed how to use it," I reasoned. "I have. So you should find a different weapon before we enter."

Uncle Peter paused to consider that. "You make a good point," he admitted at last. "All right. You keep the pepper spray."

I was relieved he had not overruled me. Uncle Peter had considered the strength of my argument rather than my age. That meant a LOT to me.

Uncle Peter rummaged through his toolbox and pulled out a hefty crowbar. "If it's good enough for Gordon Freeman, it's good enough for me."


Uncle Peter and I made it to the loft without incident. A split second after entering, he was given an enormous, back-cracking hug from his sister. Dad and Valerie piled on.

We moved to the couch and Uncle Peter was brought up to speed. We told him about the grocery store riot, the blackout, the president's speech, the handsome man, abigail's death, and Detective Sanchez.

My mom served Uncle Peter a wine cooler. "Thank you, Sis." he said, twisting off the cap. Uncle Peter took a sip and then told us HIS story... "My family had gone to bed early on May 29th. So we woke up on May 30th at 9:00AM, blissfully unaware the whole world had gone to shit.

"I observed some red flags while driving to the grocery store. No power to the traffic lights. An empty car, with its doors open, parked in the middle of someone's lawn. A pair of suitcases in the middle of the street. No traffic anywhere.

"It wasn't until after, I came upon a car parked in the middle of the highway that I realized something was majorly wrong. Inside the car I discovered a family of four. The driver was a stay at home mom named Beth. Her two adorable daughters, Kim and Carly, were in the back. In the passenger seat was Beth's Aunt Jeannie." Uncle Peter made a sour expression and his voice dropped contentiously. "I don't care much for HER. Jeannie is a nauseatingly religious person who can't say more than three sentences without praising Jesus. When she found out that I was an atheist - she recoiled from me like a vampire shunning a crucifix."

"Anyway, I rescued all four by driving them to my house. After bringing them inside. I learned my wife and two daughters were also agoraphobic.

"For the last 20 days I've been doing everything possible to keep the residents of my town alive. But I'm only one man..." His voice trailed off as his eyes brimmed with tears.

My mother broke in: "Besides Samber, have you found anyone else who is immune?".

"No. And it was not from a lack of looking. My first stop was the fire station where I found my neighbor, Lenny, working the C.B. radio. Everyone in the radio's range was agoraphobic. And everyone who was in range of everyone who was in the radio's range was agoraphobic as well.

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